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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: Dr. NISHIGUCHI, Hajime
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 10:01
Title: The COMET Straw Tracker System
Abstract content
The COMET experiment at J-PARC aims to search for a lepton-flavour violating process of muon to electron conversion in a muonic atom, $\mu$-e conversion, with a branching-ratio sensitivity of better than $10^{−16}$, 4 orders of magnitude better than the present limit, in order to explore the parameter region predicted by most of well-motivated theoretical models beyond the Standard Model.
The need for this sensitivity places several stringent requirements on the detector development.
The experiment requires to detect the monochromatic electron of 105 MeV, $ie$. the momentum resolution is primarily limited by the multiple scattering effects.
And also, high power proton driver is suitable to accumulate an enough statistics, $ie$. high rate capability is necessary.
Thus we need the very light material detector which should be operational with high intensity beam in order to achieve an excellent momentum resolution, better than 200 keV/$c$, and to accumulate an enough statistics, muon rates of 5 MHz.
In order to fulfill such requirements, we decided to develop the straw-base planar tracker which should be operational in the vacuum and should be made by extremely light material.
The COMET straw tracker consists of 10 mm diameter tube, longer than 1 m length, with 20 $\mu$m thickness Mylar foil and 70 nm aluminum deposition, even thinner material down to 12 $\mu$m thickness is under development by the ultrasonic welding technique.
In this presentation, the development of COMET straw tracker is described including the prospect of final detector construction.
Primary Authors:
Dr. NISHIGUCHI, Hajime (KEK) <hajime.nishiguchi(a)>
Dr. TSAMALAIDZE, Zviadi (JINR) <zviadi(a)>
Dr. EVTOUKHOVITCH, Petr (JINR) <evtpg(a)>
Dr. UENO, Kazuki (KEK) <kazuueno(a)>
MIHARA, Satoshi (KEK) <satoshi.mihara(a)>
Mr. TSVERAVA, Nikolozi (JINR) <tsverava(a)>
Dr. VOLKOV, Alexander (JINR) <adv(a)>
Dr. MOISEENKO, Anatoly (JINR) <moiseenko(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to KOTELNIKOV, Aleksandr:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: KOTELNIKOV, Aleksandr
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 09:49
Title: A High-Speed Electron Beam Profile Monitor for the Synchrotron
Radiation Source
Abstract content
The real-time processing of the electron beam parameters is a necessary procedure to optimize the key characteristics of the synchrotron radiation source using feedback loops. The actual problem is to study multi-bunch beam instabilities. To solve this problem a high-speed electron beam profile monitor is developed. This device includes a photodetector unit and signal recorder. The photodetector unit is bult on a photodiode strip consisting of 16 integrated avalanche photodiodes. Electric pulses from the photodiodes are fed to inputs of analog integrators. The integrator is designed for input pulse repetition rate of 200 MHz. The 16-channel signal recorder fixes the integrals values, performs their 16-bit analog-to-digital conversion and buffering in the internal 3 Gb memory. The accumulated data is transferred via Ethernet 100BASE-T. The device described must continuously implement 15625000 measurements of the vertical or horizontal electron beam profile at 16 points with a time resolution of 5 ns.
The electron beam quality determines the main synchrotron radiation characteristics therefore beam diagnostics is of great importance for synchrotron radiation source performance. The real-time processing of the electron beam parameters is a necessary procedure to optimize the key characteristics of the source using feedback loops.
The frequency of electron beam turning in the synchrotron storage ring is about 1 MHz. In multi-bunch mode electrons are grouped into a series of bunches. The bunch repetition frequency depends on the total number of bunches and usually reaches hundreds of MHz. The actual problem is to study multi-bunch beam instabilities.
To solve this problem a high-speed electron beam profile monitor is developed. This device includes a photodetector unit and signal recorder. The photodetector unit is bult on a photodiode strip consisting of 16 integrated avalanche photodiodes. It takes the radiation intensity distribution on the electron beam profile. Electric pulses from the photodiodes are fed to inputs of analog integrators. The integrator operates continuously without reset between two adjacent pulses. Varying continuously the integrator output level consistently takes the value of the every input pulse integral. This technique improves the integrator performance. The integrator is designed for input pulse repetition rate of 200 MHz. The 16-channel signal recorder fixes the integrals values, performs their 16-bit analog-to-digital conversion and buffering in the internal 3 Gb memory. The accumulated data is transferred via Ethernet 100BASE-T.
The device design has been completed. The program shell developing is in progress. The prototype of the analog integrator has been tested. The next stage is the whole device prototyping and testing at Siberia-2 which has a close bunch repetition frequency of 181.6 MHz. The device described must continuously implement 15625000 measurements of the vertical or horizontal electron beam profile at 16 points with a time resolution of 5 ns.
Primary Authors:
Mr. KOTELNIKOV, Aleksandr (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) <al.kotelnikov(a)>
IVANOVA, Alina (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) <a.a.ivanova(a)>
Dr. MESHKOV, Oleg (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) <o.i.meshkov(a)>
Dr. KHILCHENKO, Aleksandr (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) <a.d.khilchenko(a)>
Mr. KVASHNIN, Andrey (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) <kvashnin(a)>
Mr. ZUBAREV, Peter (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) <p.v.zubarev(a)>
Ms. IVANENKO, Svetlana (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) <s.v.ivanenko(a)>
Ms. PURYGA, Ekaterina (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) <e.a.puryga(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Mr. KOTELNIKOV, Aleksandr
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Data-processing: 3c) Embedded software
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to IENGO, Paolo:
Dear Paolo Iengo,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: IENGO, Paolo
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 09:00
Title: Development of a novel Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector for
cosmic ray muon tomography.
Abstract content
Cosmic ray tomography is a technique under development since years. It consists in using particle detectors to reconstruct the scattering angle of cosmic rays traversing the volume under inspection, thus revealing the presence of materials with high atomic number, as radioactive elements or heavy metals. Although the validity of the muon tomography has already been demonstrated, its use on a large scale is still disfavored because of the high cost and complexity of the detectors.
We propose a novel detector (Micro Channel Device, MCD) specifically designed for this application, having the potential to be easily produced on industrial scale.The proposed detector belongs to the category of MPGDs with an amplification region less than 1 mm wide.
The use of this device has several advantages: it allows for compact scanning stations (reduced transverse dimensions) and reduced operating costs (limited applied voltages and small gas volumes) when compared to other gas detectors as drift chambers; it can be adapted to curved shape to better fit a scanning station and it is competitive from the point of view of the production costs. The potential for industrial mass production makes the MCD a good candidate for the homeland security market.
We will illustrate the basic concept of an MCD, its working principle and expected performance. The concept of a small-size cylindrical scanning station based on MCD and the study of the resolution power on different materials will also be presented.
Primary Authors:
Dr. BIGLIETTI, Michela (INFN Roma Tre) <michela.biglietti(a)>
IENGO, Paolo (INFN Napoli (IT)) <paolo.iengo(a)>
MASTROIANNI, Stefano (INFN) <stefano.mastroianni(a)>
PETRUCCI, Fabrizio (Roma Tre Universita Degli Studi (IT)) <fabrizio.petrucci(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. BIGLIETTI, Michela
IENGO, Paolo
PETRUCCI, Fabrizio
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Presentation type: Oral
Comments: Oral presentation preferred (speaker to be defined), as
second option also a poster can be presented.
The following email has been sent to SOTER, Anna:
Dear Anna Soter,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: SOTER, Anna
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 08:21
Title: Segmented scintillators with SiPM readout for measuring
antiproton annihilations
Abstract content
The Atomic Spectroscopy and Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons (ASACUSA) experiment at the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) facility of CERN [1,2] recently constructed segmented scintillators to detect and track charged pions emerging from antiproton annihilations [3]. The detectors were designed to accompany a future superconducting radiofrequency Paul trap for antiprotons, but some of the modules were recently used to assist total cross section measurements of annihilation in-flight of slow antiprotons [4].
We arranged 541 bars of cast and extruded scintillators in 11 detector modules, which provided a spatial resolution of $\sim$17 mm. Green wavelength-shifting fibers were embedded in the scintillators, and read out on one side by silicon photomultipliers (Hamamatsu MPPC) with a sensitive area of $1\times 1$ mm$^2$.
The photoelectron yields of various scintillator configurations, with different fibers, silicon photomultipliers and fiber end terminations were measured using a negative pion beam of momentum $p\approx1$ GeV/c at the PS facility of CERN. The detectors were also tested using the antiproton beam of the AD. Nonlinear effects due to the saturation of the silicon photomultiplier were seen at high annihilation rates of the antiprotons.
[1] R. S. Hayano *et al.*, Rep. Prog. Phys. **70** 1–71 (2007).
[2] M. Hori *et al.*, Nature **475**, 485 (2011).
[3] A. Soter *et al.*, Rev. Sci. Instrum. **85**, 023302 (2014)
[4] H. Aghai-Khozani *et al.*, Eur. Phys. J. Plus **127**, 125 (2012).
Primary Authors:
SOTER, Anna (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE)) <anna.soter(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Presentation type: Poster
The following email has been sent to JUNKES, Alexandra:
Dear Alexandra Junkes,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: JUNKES, Alexandra
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 08:09
Title: Planar silicon sensors for the CMS Tracker phase II upgrade
Abstract content
The CMS tracker collaboration is aiming to identify the best suited silicon materials and sensor thicknesses for future tracking detectors for the high luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Therefore, a large material investigation and irradiation campaign was initiated.
A variety of silicon $p-in-n$ and $n-in-p$ test-sensors made from Float Zone (FZ), Magnetic Czochralski (MCz) and epitaxially grown (Epi) materials were manufactured in different sensor thicknesses by one single industrial producer (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.). The samples have been irradiated with 1 MeV neutrons, protons and subsequently with both particle types corresponding to fluences as expected for the positions of detector layers in the future tracker (up to $\Phi=10^{16}$ cm$^{-2}$).
All materials have been characterized before and after irradiations, and throughout an annealing treatment.
The measurements performed on the structures include electrical sensor characterization, measurement of the collected charge injected with beta sources and laser light and bulk defect characterization. In this talk, latest results from the campaign are presented.
Primary Authors:
JUNKES, Alexandra (Hamburg University (DE)) <alexandra.junkes(a)>
Abstract presenters:
JUNKES, Alexandra
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: Oral
Comments: This work is on behalf of the CMS Tracker Collaboration.
The following email has been sent to YU, Boxiang:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: YU, Boxiang
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 05:26
Title: Aging experiment of LAB based liquid scintillator for JUNO
Abstract content
This talk introduces the aging experiment of JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) liquid scintillator (LS) with several containers. JUNO will need 20kt LS, and energy resolution of detector reach to 3%/E and LS detector will run 10-15 years, so LS stability and compatibility in containers is very important. The method and results of LS aging with containers are reported.
Primary Authors:
Prof. LI, Zhou (IHEP) <zhoul(a)>
Mr. HAI-TAO, Cheng (NUAA) <chenht(a)>
Dr. YA-YUN, Ding (IHEP) <dingyy(a)>
YU, Boxiang () <yubx(a)>
Abstract presenters:
YU, Boxiang
Track classification:
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to TAKEDA, Ayaki:
Dear Ayaki Takeda,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: TAKEDA, Ayaki
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 04:38
Title: Development and Evaluation of Event-Driven SOI Pixel Detector
for X-ray Astronomy
Abstract content
We have been developing a monolithic active pixel sensor with the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) CMOS technology for use in future X-ray astronomical satellite mission. Our objective is to replace the X-ray Charge Coupled Device (CCD), which is the standard detector in the field, by offering high coincidence time resolution (∼ 50 ns), superior hit-position readout time (∼ 10 μs), and wider bandpass (0.3 – 40 keV) in addition to having comparable performances in imaging spectroscopy. In order to realize this detector, we have developed prototype detectors, called “XRPIX” series. XRPIX contains comparator circuit in each pixel to detect an X-ray photon injection; it offers intra-pixel hit trigger (timing) and two-dimensional hit-pattern (position) outputs. Therefore, XRPIX is capable of direct access to selected pixels to read out the signal amplitude. X-ray readout by this function is called “Event-Driven readout”.
In our previous study, we successfully demonstrated the acquisition of X-ray spectra in Event-Driven readout. However, it has some problems in operation of a circuit. Recently, we understood the cause by investigating operation of XRPIX in detail. Moreover, we designed a new prototype which has charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) in each pixel in order to increase the gain and improve energy resolution. Then, the readout noise is 33 e- rms and the energy resolution is about 300 eV FWHM at 5.9 keV. In this presentation, we report on the development and evaluation of XRPIX about Event-Driven readout.
Primary Authors:
Dr. TAKEDA, Ayaki (Kyoto University) <atakeda(a)>
Prof. ARAI, Yasuo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)) <yasuo.arai(a)>
Prof. TSURU, Takeshi (Kyoto University) <tsuru(a)>
Dr. TANAKA, Takaaki (Kyoto University) <ttanaka(a)>
Mr. MATSUMURA, Hideaki (Kyoto University) <matumura(a)>
Dr. NAKASHIMA, Shinya (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)) <shinya(a)>
Dr. MORI, Koji (Miyazaki University) <mori(a)>
Mr. NISHIOKA, Yusuke (Miyazaki University) <nishioka613(a)>
Mr. TAKENAKA, Ryota (Miyazaki University) <takenaka(a)>
Dr. KOHMURA, Takayoshi (Kogakuin University) <tkohmura(a)>
Mr. IMAMURA, Toshifumi (A-R-Tec Corp.) <imamura(a)>
Mr. OHMOTO, Takafumi (A-R-Tec Corp.) <ohmoto(a)>
Prof. IWATA, Atsushi (A-R-Tec Corp.) <iwa(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. TAKEDA, Ayaki
Track classification:
Experiments: 2b) Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to XIA, Lei:
Dear Lei Xia,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: XIA, Lei
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 01:21
Title: Development of high-rate RPCs
Abstract content
Traditionally RPCs use either Bakelite or glass as resistive plates.
Compared with other Micro-pattern gas detectors, RPCs are known to
suffer from rate limitations. The rate capability of the devices is
defined by the signal size, bulk resistivity of the resistive electrode
and the thickness of the electrode. We report on efforts to develop
low-resistivity Bakelite and glass, as well as efforts to develop a
new electrode material that has very thin effective thickness. We will
present first results from tests of high-rate RPCs performed at the
GIF facility at CERN, the Fermilab test beam facility and elsewhere.
Primary Authors:
XIA, Lei (Argonne National Laboratory) <lxia(a)>
Abstract presenters:
XIA, Lei
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to YE, Jingbo:
Dear Jingbo Ye,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: YE, Jingbo
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 22:55
Title: A VCSEL driver ASIC at 8 Gb/s for data transmission over fiber
for detector front-end readout in a particle experiment
Abstract content
We report the development of a VCSEL driver based on a commercial 0.25-micron silicon-on-sapphire CMOS technology. The driver is designed with a speed of 8 Gb/s with I2C configuration. The QFN packaged prototype measures up to 10 Gb/s in a miniature dual channel optical transmitter module called MTx. The ASIC and the custom MTx are prototypes for an optical link that is under development to read out the front-end board in the trigger upgrade of the Liquid Argon Calorimeter (LAr) in ATLAS. We will present design details, prototype measurement results including those from irradiation tests. We will also discuss the experience on the QFN package for high-speed signals.
Primary Authors:
YE, Jingbo (Southern Methodist University, Department of Physics) <yejb(a)>
GONG, Datao (Southern Methodist Univeristy) <dtgong(a)>
LIU, Tiankuan (Southern Methodist University) <liu(a)>
Ms. LI, Xiaoting (Central China Normal University, Southern Methodist University) <xiaotingl(a)>
Abstract presenters:
YE, Jingbo
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Presentation type: Oral
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Dear Jingbo Ye,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: YE, Jingbo
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 22:51
Title: A serializer ASIC of 16 Gb/s for data transmission over fiber
for detector front-end readout in a particle experiment
Abstract content
We report an ASIC development based on a commercial 0.25-micron silicon-on-sapphire CMOS technology. This ASIC is a dual channel serializer sharing one LC-PLL with 8 Gb/s each channel and a total data throughput of 16 Gb/s for each chip. The prototype packaged in QFN is measured from 7.2 to 8.5 Gb/s each channel, limited by the tuning range of the PLL. This design is for an optical link that is under development to read out the front-end board in the trigger upgrade of the Liquid Argon Calorimeter (LAr) in ATLAS. We will present design details and prototype measurement results. We will also discuss the experience on the QFN package for high-speed signals.
Primary Authors:
YE, Jingbo (Southern Methodist University, Department of Physics) <yejb(a)>
Prof. GONG, Datao (Department of Physics, SMU) <dgong(a)>
Prof. LIU, Tiankuan (Department of Physics, SMU) <tliu(a)>
Ms. LI, Xiaoting (Department of Physics, SMU) <xiaotingl(a)>
Abstract presenters:
YE, Jingbo
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Presentation type: Oral