The following email has been sent to DEERMANN, Dariusch:
Dear Dariusch Deermann,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted: <
Status of your abstract: <
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: DEERMANN, Dariusch
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 12:27
Title: Characterization of the PANDA MVD Trapezoidal Silicon Strip
Sensors and Their First Operation in a Proton Beam
Abstract content
The $\overline{\text{P}}\text{ANDA}$-experiment will be one of the main
experiments inside the upcoming Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
(FAIR) at the GSI in Darmstadt. The fixed target experiment will explore
$\overline{\text{p}}$p annihilation in the charm mass region with intense,
phase space cooled beams with momenta between 1.5 and 15 GeV/c.
The innermost subdetector of $\overline{\text{P}}\text{ANDA}$ will be
the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) and consists of silicon strip and pixel
The MVD can be further divided into two sub-structures. A
barrel-structure around the vertex and a
disc-structure in beam direction with six disks of different size.
The last two disks are hybrid disks with trapezoidal strip sensors in the outer layer surrounding a smaller
ring of pixel sensors in the inner part. The other disks are made only out of pixel detectors.
The first trapezoidal prototype sensors were produced by
CiS\footnote{Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH}
and have a stereo angle of $15^{\circ}$ with 512 strips per sensor side
and a strip pitch of $67.5\,\mu\text{m}$.
In order to operate and test the prototype sensors, they were
chracterized with a probestation as well as with a dedicated testboard.
A first beam test was done at COSY\footnote{Cooler Synchrotron at
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH} with protons of $2.95\,\text{GeV/c}$ and
$800\,\text{MeV/c}$ in December 2013 and January 2014.
In this talk the characterization of the trapezoidal strip sensors and
the results of their first operation
in a proton beam will be presented.
Primary Authors:
DEERMANN, Dariusch (Forschungszentrum Jülich) <d.deermann(a)>
STOCKMANNS, Tobias (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH) <t.stockmanns(a)>
Prof. RITMAN, James (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH) <j.ritman(a)>
Abstract presenters:
DEERMANN, Dariusch
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to CRUCIANI, Angelo:
Dear Angelo Cruciani,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted: <
Status of your abstract: <
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: CRUCIANI, Angelo
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 12:23
Title: Kinetic Inductance Detectors as light detectors for neutrino
and dark matter searches
Abstract content
Large-mass arrays of bolometers proved to be good detectors for Neutrinoless Beta Decay (0vDBD) and Dark Matter (DM) searches. The CUORE and LUCIFER 0vDBD experiments at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso will start to take data in 2015. The potential of CUORE could be increased by removing the background due to alpha particles, by detecting the small amount of Cherenkov light (100 eV) emitted by the beta signal and not by alphas. LUCIFER could be extended to detect also Dark Matter, provided that the background from beta/gamma particles (100 eV of scintillation light) is discriminated from nuclear recoils of 10 keV energy (no light).
Our aim is to develop light detectors for CUORE, LUCIFER and similar bolometric experiments. In order to reach the high sensitivity and large number of pixels needed, we plan to use Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors, which have already shown impressive results in millimeter astronomy.
Since these devices are easily multiplexable and not strongly limited by the operation temperature, they possibly represent the best choice for the realisation of large-area phonon-mediated light detectors. Our aim is to monitor the whole face of each bolometer (about 25 cm2) at an operating temperature of 10 mK.
We will show a model of the expected sensitivity and discuss its agreement with the optical results of two different generations of devices, that have been illuminated with a 55Fe source and a light pulser.
Primary Authors:
Dr. CRUCIANI, Angelo (University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) <angelo.cruciani(a)>
Dr. BATTISTELLI, Elia (University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) <elia.battistelli(a)>
Dr. BELLINI, Fabio (University La Sapienza and INFN, Rome ,Italy) <fabio.bellini(a)>
Dr. BUCCI, Carlo (INFN – LNGS, Assergi, Italy) <carlo.bucci(a)>
Dr. CALVO, Martino (Institut Néel, Grenoble, France) <martino.calvo(a)>
Dr. CARDANI, Laura (University La Sapienza and INFN, Rome ,Italy) <laura.cardani(a)>
Dr. CASTELLANO, Maria Gabriella (IFN - CNR, Rome ,Italy) <mgcastellano(a)>
Dr. COLANTONI, Ivan (University La Sapienza and IFN - CNR, Rome, Italy) <ivan.colantoni(a)>
Dr. COPPOLECCHIA, Alessandro (University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) <alessandro.coppolecchia(a)>
Prof. COSMELLI, Carlo (University La Sapienza and INFN, Rome, Italy) <carlo.cosmelli(a)>
Mr. D'ADDABBO, Antonio (Institu Néel, Grenoble, France) <tolottino83(a)>
Prof. DE BERNARDIS, Paolo (University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) <paolo.debernardis(a)>
Dr. DI DOMIZIO, Sergio (INFN and Universita' di Genova, Italy) <sergio.didomizio(a)>
Prof. MASI, Silvia (University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) <silvia.masi(a)>
Dr. PINCI, Davide (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) <davide.pinci(a)>
Dr. TOMEI, Claudia (INFN, Rome, Italy) <claudia.tomei(a)>
Dr. VIGNATI, Marco (University La Sapienza and INFN, Rome, Italy) <marco.vignati(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. CRUCIANI, Angelo
Track classification:
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to CEMMI, Alessia:
Dear Alessia Cemmi,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted: <
Status of your abstract: <
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: CEMMI, Alessia
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 12:18
Title: Radiation hardness and stability of optical coupling materials
for BelleII electromagnetic calorimeter
Abstract content
Optical coupling materials are usually applied to ensure good optical matching in the APD-scintillating crystal detection system. High transparency at the scintillating emission wavelength and material stability under irradiation are recommended requirements.
In this work, silicon optical grease (BC630) and two-component epoxy resins (Epo-tek 301-2FL and Epo-tek 305), to be employed in electromagnetic calorimeter of the BelleII experiment at the Super-KEKB collider, were investigated to establish their radiation hardness and stability under gamma and neutron irradiation. Optical transmittance measurements were performed in the UV-VIS range, paying particular attention to the materials behavior in the range around 315 nm (CsI scintillating emission wavelength).
Primary Authors:
ALOISIO, Alberto (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT)) <aloisio(a)>
BACCARO, Stefania (ENEA UTTMAT Casaccia (RM) and INFN Sezione di Roma (IT)) <stefania.baccaro(a)>
Dr. BRANCHINI, Paolo (INFN sezione di Roma Tre (IT)) <paolo.branchini(a)>
CAVALIERE, Sergio (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT)) <sergio.cavaliere(a)>
CECCHI, Claudia (Università degli Studi di Perugia and INFN Sezione di Perugia (IT)) <claudia.cecchi(a)>
CEMMI, Alessia (ENEA UTTMAT Casaccia (RM) and INFN Sezione di Roma (IT)) <alessia.cemmi(a)>
DE LUCIA, Erika (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN (IT)) <erika.delucia(a)>
DE NARDO, Guglielmo (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT)) <denardo(a)>
DE SANGRO, Riccardo (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN (IT)) <riccardo.desangro(a)>
FELICI, Giulietto (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN (IT)) <giulietto.felici(a)>
FINOCCHIARO, Giuseppe (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN (IT)) <giuseppe.finocchiaro(a)>
FIORE, Salvatore (ENEA UTTMAT Casaccia (RM) and INFN Sezione di Roma (IT)) <salvatore.fiore(a)>
GIORDANO, Raffaele (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT)) <rgiordano(a)>
LUBRANO, Pasquale (INFN Sezione di Perugia (IT)) <pasquale.lubrano(a)>
MANONI, Elisa (INFN Sezione di Perugia (IT)) <elisa.manoni(a)>
ORDINE, Antonio (INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT)) <antonio.ordine(a)>
PASSERI, Antonio (INFN sezione di Roma Tre (IT)) <antonio.passeri(a)>
PATTERI, Piero (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN (IT)) <piero.patteri(a)>
PERUZZI, Ida (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN (IT)) <peruzzi(a)>
PICCOLO, Marcello (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN (IT)) <mxp(a)>
ROSSI, Alessandro (INFN Sezione di Perugia (IT)) <alessandro.rossi(a)>
SCIACCA, Crisostomo (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT)) <sciacca(a)>
Abstract presenters:
CEMMI, Alessia
Track classification:
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to YONEKURA, Takuya:
Dear Takuya Yonekura,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted: <
Status of your abstract: <
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: YONEKURA, Takuya
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 12:06
Title: Performance of the MCP-PMTs for the TOP counter in the Belle II
Abstract content
We developed the micro-channel-plate (MCP) PMT for the Time-of-Propagation (TOP) counter, which is a novel Cherenkov counter to be used for particle identification in the Belle II experiment. The developed MCP-PMT has excellent performance for single photon detection; a timing resolution of about 40ps (sigma, including readout jitter), a nominal gain as high as 2 x 10^6, and a position sensitivity of about 5mm with 4 x 4 anode. In the Belle II TOP counter, 512 MCP-PMTs are used under a magnetic field of 1.5T. The performance details were inspected with and without the magnetic field. The gain on each anode was found to vary up to a factor of two over the 16 anodes in some of the MCP-PMTs. We will discuss on this issue. The gain was dropped by 20-80% in a 1.5T magnetic field. The reason is considered that the secondary electrons can be localized and the electron amplification can be saturated. The rate of the gain drop seems to have a correlation with the high-voltage applied to obtain the nominal gain. We will discuss on the gain drop and its rate. The photon detection efficiency was also measured in a 1.5T magnetic field. The results on about 300 MCP-PMTs will be reported. Regarding the lifetime of the MCP-PMT, we succeeded in extending the lifetime significantly by introducing the atomic layer deposition technique on MCP coating. The results of the lifetime measurements will be reported.
Primary Authors:
Mr. YONEKURA, Takuya (Nagoya university) <yonekura(a)>
Prof. IIJIMA, Toru (Nagoya university) <iijima(a)>
Dr. INAMI, Kenji (Nagoya university) <kenji(a)>
Dr. SUZUKI, Kazuhito (Nagoya university) <kazuhito(a)>
Dr. MATSUOKA, Kodai (Nagoya university) <matsuoka(a)>
Dr. HAYAKAWA, Tomokatsu (Nagoya university) <hayakawa(a)>
Dr. KATO, Yuji (Nagoya university) <kato(a)>
Dr. SATO, Yutaro (Nagoya university) <yutaro(a)>
Mr. HIROSE, Shigeki (Nagoya university) <shigeki(a)>
Mr. ITO, Yuhei (Nagoya university) <yuhei(a)>
Mr. FURUMURA, Daiki (Nagoya university) <furumura(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Mr. YONEKURA, Takuya
Track classification:
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to KIRN, Thomas:
Dear Thomas Kirn,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted: <
Status of your abstract: <
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: KIRN, Thomas
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 12:00
Title: Production of Scintillating Fiber Modules for high resolution
tracking devices
Abstract content
In high energy physics experiments tracking detectors
consisting of scintillating fibers readout by linear
arrays of silicon photomultipliers have become a competitive
alternative to silicon strip detectors.
The modules produced at the I$^{st}$ Physics Institute of RWTH Aachen University
are made out of ribbons of 0.25~mm diameter scintillating fibers.
Ribbons with different amounts of layers and with lengths between 0.3~m and 3.0~m have been produced. A spatial resolution of 0.05 mm was achieved
with prototypes and experiments (e.g. PERDaix) using these scintillating fiber modules
as tracking detectors.
The established process of the scintillating fiber module production
and quality control measurements will be presented in detail.
Primary Authors:
KIRN, Thomas (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) <kirn(a)>
SCHAEL, Stefan (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) <stefan.schael(a)>
GREIM, Roman (RWTH Aachen) <greim(a)>
SCHATEIKIS, Tobias Marcus (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) <tobias.marcus.schateikis(a)>
WLOCHAL, Michael (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) <michael.wlochal(a)>
SCHWERING, Georg (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) <georg.schwering(a)>
KARPINSKI, Waclaw (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) <karpinski(a)>
SCHULTZ VON DRATZIG, Arndt (RWTH Aachen) <svd(a)>
Abstract presenters:
KIRN, Thomas
Track classification:
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to BUTTAR, Craig:
Dear Craig Buttar,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted: <
Status of your abstract: <
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: BUTTAR, Craig
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 11:57
Title: Development of large area pixel modules for the ATLAS HL-LHC
tracker upgrade
Abstract content
ATLAS is proposing to replace the entire tracking system for operation at the HL-LHC. This will include a significantly larger pixel detector. This paper reports on the development of large area planar detectors for the outer pixel layers and the pixel endcaps. Large area sensors have been fabricated and mounted onto 4 FE-I4 readout ASICs, so called quad-modules, and their performance evaluated in the laboratory and testbeam. Results from characterisation of sensors prior to assembly and modules in the laboratory and testbeam studies will be presented. A particular challenge in producing thinned large area modules is the bump-bonding, where low yield can be observed due to bowing of the sensor and readout chip during the bonding process. A new bump-bonding process using backside compensation to address the issue of low yield will be presented.
Primary Authors:
BUTTAR, Craig (University of Glasgow (GB)) <craig.buttar(a)>
CASSE, Gianluigi (University of Liverpool (GB)) <gianluigi.casse(a)>
BATES, Richard (University of Glasgow (GB)) <richard.bates(a)>
MCMULLEN, Thomas (University of Glasgow (GB)) <thomas.mcmullen(a)>
LIPP, John (Science and Technology Facilities Council) <john.lipp(a)>
Dr. BLUE, Andrew (University of Glasgow) <>
DOONAN, Kate (University of Glasgow (GB)) <k.doonan(a)>
STEWART, Andrew (U) <andrew.stewart(a)>
MATHESON, John (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)) <j.matheson(a)>
BURDIN, Sergey (University of Liverpool (GB)) <sergey.burdin(a)>
FORSHAW, Dean Charles (University of Liverpool (GB)) <d.forshaw(a)>
MILOVANOVIC, Marko (University of Liverpool (GB)) <marko.milovanovic(a)>
TSURIN, Ilya (University of Liverpool (GB)) <ilya.tsurin(a)>
PATER, Joleen (University of Manchester (GB)) <joleen.pater(a)>
WRAIGHT, Kenneth Gibb (University of Glasgow (GB)) <kenneth.gibb.wraight(a)>
EISENHARDT, Stephan (University of Edinburgh (GB)) <s.eisenhardt(a)>
SIDIROPOULOS, Georgios (University of Edinburgh (GB)) <georgios.sidiropoulos(a)>
MILLS, Corrinne (University of Edinburgh (GB)) <corrinne.elaine.mills(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Presentation type: Oral
Comments: I am submitting this abstract on behalf of ATLAS-UK pixel
group. After discussion, the final presenter may be one of the co-
authors. If required i can confirm this before you consider
accepting the abstract.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: TIPP 2014 key-note talk invitation
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:40:03 +0100
From: Jan Visser <janvs(a)>
To: Piet De Moor (imec) <Piet.DeMoor(a)>
Beste Piet,
Heel goed. Dan kunnen we inderdaad weer eens praten over mogelijke
gezamenlijke projecten.
Jammer dat je niet de hele week aanwezig kan zijn, want de interactie
met anderen is toch
ook belangrijk.
Het programma staat nog niet helemaal vast omdat we nog bezig zijn met
abstract verwerking
en omdat de verdeling toch redelijk anders is dan verwacht moeten we nog
gaan schuiven in
de huidige programma opzet. Hierin kan ik jouw wens natuurlijk naar
voren brengen.
Wel moet ik je meedelen, dat wij vanwege budgettaire beperkingen niet in
staat zijn
om de conference fee te verlagen of kwijt te schelden.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
ps breng ook mijn hartelijke groeten over aan Kiki, Deniz en Koen.
On 26-2-2014 15:37, Piet De Moor (imec) wrote:
> Dag Jan,
> Goed om terug contact op te nemen ! Het is een gelegenheid om over
> mogelijke samenwerking te praten.
> Bedankt voor de uitnodiging waar ik graag op inga.
> Ik stel voor om een verhaal te brengen rond technologies for specialty
> imagers, including backside illumination, embedded CCD and 3D stacked
> imagers.
> Past deze topic ?
> Vermits wij hier op imec een eigen conferentie hebben 4-5 juni
> (, spreek ik liefst op 2 of 3 juni (als het
> enigzins kan).
> Groeten,
> Piet
> *From:*Jan Visser []
> *Sent:* 25 February, 2014 11:59
> *To:* Piet De Moor (imec)
> *Subject:* TIPP 2014 key-note talk invitation
> Beste Piet,
> Het is alweer even geleden dat wij elkaar gesproken hebben.
> In juni organiseren wij de TIPP conferentie in Amsterdam en
> zouden het leuk vinden als jij een mooi verhaal zou kunnen
> geven over 3D integratie.
> Hieronder de officiele uitnodiging.
> The TIPP (Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics)
> conference will take place in Amsterdam
> from June 2 to June 6, 2014 ( The conference
> topic is technology and
> instrumentation in particle and astro-particle physics, with links to
> related fields as part of the broader
> theme of instrumentation as enabler of Science.
> You have been highly recommended to us for a key-note presentation at
> this conference and
> we invite you to give a presentation of 30 minutes, including questions.
> We are looking for a balanced mix of detailed talks and overview
> talks. If you accept,
> we would like to know the preferred subject/focus of your talk, since
> in order to get
> a balanced programme we may have to ask some of the key-note speakers
> to consider their talk to either be more general or more detailed or
> vice versa.
> Unfortunately, we are at the moment not able to cover travel cost or
> provide conference fees relief.
> We would very much appreciate your attendance and presentation,
> looking forward to your response. Please let us know before March 10
> if you accept the invitation
> and your preference for the focus of your talk.
> Kind regards,
> Jan Visser
> On behalf of the local organising committee.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Invitation to Key-note talk at TIPP2014
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:29:01 +0100
From: Jan Visser <janvs(a)>
To: Peter Hommelhoff <peter.hommelhoff(a)>
Dear Peter,
We would appreciate it very much if you could come to Amsterdam to give
your key-note presentation.
Even though, we would like to have as much interaction between yourself
and the other participants
of the conference for as many days as possible, we do understand that
you are very busy and cannot
attend the whole period.
However, due to budget limitations, we cannot waive or reduce the
conference fee.
We hope you can find time and budget to visit TIPP 2014.
Kind regards,
Jan Visser
on behalf of the local organising committee
On 18-2-2014 23:35, Peter Hommelhoff wrote:
> Dear Jan,
> Thank you very much. Of course I can fully understand your
> reservations. I know already that I have to teach on Monday and have
> to be back on Friday. So if you schedule my talk for either Tuesday,
> Wednesdy or Thursday, I should be able to stay for at least 2 days.
> If that's fine with you, I will be happy to participate and present.
> Unfortunately, there is nothing more I can do as our semester is still
> in session in June, which I am very sorry about.
> Looking foward to hearing back you,
> With kind regards,
> Peter
> Am 18.02.2014 16:06, schrieb Jan Visser:
>> Dear Peter,
>> It sounds very interesting!
>> However, we have some reservations with respect to having key-note
>> speakers only present at the conference for just one day.
>> In this way the desired interaction between the participants is not
>> achieved.
>> I hope you can find some more time in your agenda, otherwise we do
>> have to consider to put you on the back-up list and possibly confirm
>> your talk at a later date and try to find someone who has more time
>> to spend at the conference.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jan Visser
>> On 14/02/14 15:49, Peter Hommelhoff wrote:
>>> Dear Dr. Visser, dear TIPP organizing committee,
>>> Thank you very much for your kind invitation. It will be a pleasure
>>> for me to present.
>>> I have to say that I hadn't heard much about the TIPP conference
>>> before, but I believe that after consulting the webpage I know why you
>>> invited me. It is probably because of our recent results on electron
>>> acceleration with laser light at a dielectric structure. I can in fact
>>> see that this new technology may enable new science through
>>> instrumentation. Let me mention that I like the theme of the
>>> conference a lot, as I believe that instrumentation and its
>>> development if often undervalued in general science discussions.
>>> I would therefore suggest the tentative title "Laser acceleration of
>>> electrons at a dielectric structure -- from novel accelerator
>>> technology to ultrafast measurement devices".
>>> I would first introduce the topic, explain the new principle of
>>> operation, show experimental results, and give an outlook on the
>>> various new possibilties. I would consider this talk to be rather
>>> general in nature, mainly introducing dielectric laser acceleration to
>>> the TIPP community.
>>> Last, let me mention that since the conference is in the middle of our
>>> semester I will, unfortunaly, likely only be able to come for a day or
>>> so, in which case I assume that you will kindly not charge the (full)
>>> conference fee from me.
>>> Again, thank you very much for inviting me.
>>> With kind regards,
>>> Peter Hommelhoff
>>> PS: Kindly note my new affiliation at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
>>> (not Max Planck Institute any longer).
>>> Am 14.02.2014 11:52, schrieb Jan Visser:
>>>> Dear Peter Hommelhoff,
>>>> The TIPP (Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics)
>>>> conference
>>>> will take place in Amsterdam
>>>> from June 2 to June 6, 2014 ( The conference
>>>> topic is technology and
>>>> instrumentation in particle and astro-particle physics, with links to
>>>> related fields as part of the broader
>>>> theme of instrumentation as enabler of Science.
>>>> You have been highly recommended to us for a key-note presentation at
>>>> this conference
>>>> and we invite you to give a presentation of 30 minutes, including
>>>> questions.
>>>> We are looking for a balanced mix of detailed talks and overview
>>>> talks.
>>>> If you accept,
>>>> we would like to know the preferred subject/focus of your talk,
>>>> since in
>>>> order to get
>>>> a balanced programme we may have to ask some of the key-note
>>>> speakers to
>>>> consider
>>>> their talk to either be more general or more detailed or vice versa.
>>>> Unfortunately, we are at the moment not able to cover travel cost or
>>>> provide conference fees relief.
>>>> We would very much appreciate your attendance and presentation,
>>>> looking
>>>> forward to your response.
>>>> Please let us know before February 26^th if you accept the invitation
>>>> and your preference for the focus of your talk.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Jan Visser
>>>> On behalf of the local organising committee.
The following email has been sent to MATSUMURA, Hideaki:
Dear Hideaki Matsumura,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted: <
Status of your abstract: <
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: MATSUMURA, Hideaki
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 09:41
Title: Development of X-ray SOI Pixel Sensors: Investigation of
Charge-Collection Efficiency
Abstract content
We have been developing X-ray SOIPIXs, monolithic active pixel sensors based on the Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) CMOS technology for next-generation X-ray astronomy satellites. Their high time resolution (~micro sec) and event trigger output function enable us to reduce non-X-ray background by two orders of magnitude at 20 keV, compared with X-ray CCDs widely used in current X-ray astronomy sattelites. A fully depleted thick depletion layer with back-side illumination offers wide band coverage of ∼0.3–40 keV. We already achieved thick and full depletion layer with a thickness of 500 micron. We will report recent progress in our development in this presentation. We measured sub-pixel charge-collection efficiency of our device by irradiating it with pencil beam X-rays at SPring-8. We found that a part of signal charges is lost at the pixel boundaries. We found that the amount of the charge loss depends on back-bias voltages. It leads us to a hypothesis that the strength of electric fields at the interface between the sensor and silicon dioxide layers determines the charge collection efficiency. We will test the hypothesis by comparing the experimental results with TCAD simulations.
Primary Authors:
MATSUMURA, Hideaki (Kyoto University) <matumura(a)>
TSURU, Takeshi (Kyoto University) <tsuru(a)>
Dr. TANAKA, Takaaki (Kyoto University) <ttanaka(a)>
Dr. NAKASHIMA, Shinya (Kyoto University) <shinya(a)>
ARAI, Yasuo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) <yasuo.arai(a)>
TAKEDA, Ayaki (SOKENDAI) <atakeda(a)>
MORI, Koji (University of Miyazaki) <mori(a)>
NISHIOKA, Yusuke (University of Miyazaki) <nishioka613(a)>
TAKENAKA, Ryota (University of Miyazaki) <takenaka(a)>
KOHMURA, Takayoshi (Kogakuin University) <tkohmura(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Experiments: 2b) Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation
Presentation type: Oral
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: BUIS, Ernst-jan
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 08:15
Title: Fiber based hydrophones for ultra-high energy neutrino
Abstract content
It is a well studied process [1,2] of energy deposition of cosmic ray particles in water that generate thermo-acoustic signals. Hydrophones of sufficient sensitivity could measure this signal and provide a means of detecting ultra-high energetic cosmic neutrinos. We investigate optical fiber-based hydrophone technology that could potentially have several advantages over conventional hydrophones based on piezo ceramics. Optical fibers form a natural way to create a distributed sensing system in which several sensors are attached to a single fiber. The detection system in this case will consist of several sensors, an erbium doped fiber laser and an interferometric interogator. Next to the advantage of having multiple sensors on a single fiber, this technology has a low power consumption and no electromagnetic interference with other read-out electronics. Maybe even more important, fiber optics technology provides a cost-effective and straightforward way to implement a large number of hydrophones. This allows to establish a large scale experimental set-up with multi km$^3$ detection volume that is required for the expected low event rate of neutrino interactions at energies exceeding 10 PeV.
In this talk we will show the results of several measurement campaigns, e. g. in an anechoic bassin for calibration and hydrophone sensitivity measurements. Based on these measurements and realistic simulations we will investigate the feasibility of a potential future large scale neutrino detector based on fiber-based hydrophones.
[1] G. A. Askaryan. Acoustic recording of neutrinos. Zemlia i Vselennaia 1 p13 (1979).
[2] J. G. Learned. Acoustic radiation by charged atomic particles in liquids: An analysis. Phys. Rev. D 19 p 3293 (1979).
Primary Authors:
Dr. BUIS, Ernst-jan (TNO) <ernst-jan.buis(a)>
Mr. DOPPENBERG, Ed (TNO) <ed.doppenberg(a)>
Dr. VAN EIJK, Daan (TNO) <daan.vaneijk(a)>
Dr. LAHMANN, Robert (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, University of Erlangen) <robert.lahmann(a)>
Mr. NIEUWLAND, Remco (TNO) <remco.nieuwland(a)>
Mr. TOET, Peter (TNO) <peter.toet(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. BUIS, Ernst-jan
Track classification:
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: --not specified--