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Call for Papers


Advancement Research in Circuits and Systems International Conference (ARECAS)

Progress in Computer Sciences and Information Technology International Conference (PROCSIT)

International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET)

20 – 22 December 2016 | Langkawi Island, Kedah, Malaysia

Deadline Submission : 31st August 2016!!!

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) together with Malaysia Technical Scientist Association (MALTESAS), are pleased to announce that it will be hosting a Parallel Conferences , ARECAS and PROCSIT. These conferences offers a platform to local and foreign researchers, academicians, engineers and end-users of research to formulate new research collaborations through candid discussions during paper presentation and discussion. It also offers an opportunity to strengthen existing collaborations for gaining tangible research outputs in short time frame. Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of no more than SIX (6) pages including results, figures and references according to standard formatting in the website. Submission is through the conference website and must adhere to guidelines available at the website.



Advancement Research in Circuits and Systems International Conference (ARECAS)

Official Website: http://arecas.org
Submit – http://edas.info/N22705

Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC)-Scopus Indexed
(ISSN 2180-1843, e-ISSN 2289-8131)
Search using Sourcerecord id "21100332206” in:

Progress in Computer Sciences and Information Technology International Conference (PROCSIT)

Official Website: http://procsit.com

SUBMIT: http://edas.info/N22620

All Accepted and Registered paper will be published in

International Journal of Engineering

(E-ISSN: 17359244)


SCOPUS indexed (Q3 Journal Rank by SCIMAGOR)


International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET)

Official Website: https://istmet.org/

Submit: http://edas.info/N22764 

ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online)
Copyright © 2000-2016 American Scientific Publishers.
All Rights Reserved.

SCOPUS Indexed (Q3/Q4 Journal Rank by SCIMAGOR)

Our Rules (MALTESAS set of rules) of Submission for Scopus Journal Indexed:
a. Similarity score must be checked using Plagscan Plagiarism software or Turnitin  software and MUST NOT EXCEED 20% (including REFERENCES) similarity score.

b. Minimum Page = 4 and Maximum Pages = 6 Pages (For Seven and  above = MYR 400 per additional page)
c. The article must be in English (Visit conference website under Submit for more details)


Track 1: General Electronic and Computer Engineering

Track 2: Specific Electronic and Computer Engineering

(Visit – https://arecas.org/submit/)

Submit – http://edas.info/N22705



Track 1: High Performance Computing and Communication

Parallel Computing


Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing

Distributed Computing

Interconnection Network and Architecture

Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management

Operating System for High Performance Computing

Quantum Computing

Scalable Servers and Systems

Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Application and Workloads

Surface Computing

Ad-hoc Networks

Computer Networks

Network Security and Privacy

High Performance Networks

Information and System Security

Mobile Computing

Multimedia Signal Processing

Network Security and Privacy

Reliable Computing

RFID Applications

Trusted Computing

Wireless Sensor Networks


Track 2: Image Compression & Multimedia Processing


Audio Video System

Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction

Data / Image Compression

Digital Image Processing

Image / Video Coding and Transmission

Image Enhancement

Image Formation

Image Restoration

Internet and Web Applications

Machine Learning and Data Mining

Medical Imaging

Multimedia Applications

Pattern Recognition and Analysis

Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition

Video on Demand

Wavelet Transforms

Approximation Algorithms

Computational Biology

Computational Geometry

Data Compression Algorithm

Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

Exponential Algorithm

External-Memory Algorithms

Game Theory

Graph Algorithms

Network Algorithms

On-line Algorithms

Optimization Algorithms

Parameterized Algorithms

Pattern Matching Algorithm

Randomized Algorithms

Streaming Algorithms

String Algorithms


Track 3: Databases, Data Mining and Software Engineering



Databases and Data Mining Applications

Database Tuning

Distributed Databases

Feature Selection and Feature Extraction

High Performance Data Mining Algorithms

Information Retrieval

Knowledge Discovery in Database

Knowledge Management

Query Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Sequential Data Mining

Social Network Mining

Stream Data Mining

Temporal and Spatial Data Mining

Text, Graph, Video, Multimedia Data Mining

Web Mining

Computational Business Intelligence

Software Testing

Software Reuse

Software Metrics

Software Architecture

Requirement Engineering

Unified Modeling Language

Software Quality Management

Software Project Management

Maintenance and Reverse Engineering

Component Based Development

Formal Methods and Theories

Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices

Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Service-Oriented Computing

Evolutionary Computing

Swarm Intelligence

Artificial Immune System

Fuzzy Logic

Support Vector Machine

Artificial Neural Networks

Hybrid Intelligent System

Machine Learning

Genetic Algorithm

Pattern Recognition


 (Visit – https://procsit.com/submit/)

SUBMIT: http://edas.info/N22620

ISTMET Conference Tracks:
Track 01: Technology Management
Track 02: Emerging Technologies

Submit: http://edas.info/N22764

Deadline Submission : 31st August 2016!!!

Looking forward to your support, participation & contribution in ARECAS, PROCSIT and ISTMET!


Conference Chair

Advancement Research in Circuits and Systems International Conference (ARECAS)

Email : admin@maltesas.org | Website: http://arecas.org

Progress in Computer Sciences and Information Technology International Conference (PROCSIT)

Email : admin@maltesas.org | Website: http://www.procsit.com

International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET)

Email : admin@maltesas.org | Website: https://istmet.org/

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