Omdat Madelien met zwangerschapsverlof is en Digna op vakantie, hoop ik dat het ok is deze e-mail aan jullie door te sturen.
Kunnen jullie ajb meneer Messina (mmessina@astro.columbia.edu) op zijn vraag antwoorden?
Hartelijke dank
Emma Boyd
Registration Systems Manager
MCI Amsterdam
Jan van Goyenkade 11, NL-1075HP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 679 34 11 M:
+31 (0)6 51 31 86 50
MCI, your partner in developing strategic engagement and activation programmes.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcello Messina [mailto:mmessina@astro.columbia.edu]
Sent: 22 June 2014 11:35 AM
To: TIPP2014 mci-group com
Subject: Re: TIPP: Daily digest day 1
Dear TIPP2014 organizing committee
I need help to log on the web page to submit the proceedings.
Would you be so kind to help me on this?
Marcello Messina
Dr Marcello Messina
Research Scientist at Columbia University
Physics Department
Astrophysics Laboratory
550 W 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
Tel: 212-854-3098 (Office)
Tel: 914-595-5823 (Nevis Lab)
Fax: 212-854-8121
E-mail marcello.messina@cern.ch
E-mail mmessina@astro.columbia.edu
On 03 Jun, 2014, at 12:11, TIPP2014 mci-group com <tipp2014@mci-group.com> wrote:
Dear TIPP2014 participant,
Attached you will find the first daily digest of this conference.
With kind regards,
The social programme team
<Daily Digest 1.pdf>