Dear Ms. Berger,

Since I have not heard back from you, and because the deadline for student support applications is today, I have attached a letter of recommendation from my faculty adviser.  Please confirm your receipt of it and let me know if I must do anything else.

Thank you very much for your assistance and consideration.

Joshua Abramovitch
Southern Methodist University

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Joshua Abramovitch <> wrote:
Dear Ms. Berger,

Greetings to you from Dallas, Texas, and I hope you are having a wonderful spring.  My abstract, "Development of a Silicon PIN Diode X-Ray Detector," was accepted for a poster presentation at TIPP 2014.  Since I am a student coming from the US, attending the conference would be quite expensive for me, and as such I would like to apply for registration support.  However, I have been unable to find any application materials on the conference website, nor do I recall seeing an application during my abstract submission or during registration.  Would you please direct me to where I need to apply?

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Joshua Abramovitch

Department of Physics
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX