Dear Conference Organizer,
On behalf of EDP Sciences, I would like to approach you with a suggestion for publishing your proceedings.
With the open-access journal EPJ Web of Conferences (, a service connected to the well-known European Physical Journal (, EDP Sciences offers a modern approach to publishing proceedings in all the fields of physics.
You can select from a range of services: online-only, online and print, or online and CD/DVD, plus a range of editing levels. What's more, you can submit contributions in any format: traditional papers, powerpoint slides, posters, abstracts... - yet every document will be identified, like any journal article, by authorship, title, and all relevant metadata for indexing and abstracting, e.g. like a DOI enabling the cross-referencing. In particular EPJ Web of Conferences is indexed in leading databases (Scopus, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science), Inspec, DOAJ, NASA ADS ....). Thus, all EPJ Web of Conferences proceedings papers become integral parts of the technical literature and are easily found online.
If you are interested in my offer, please let me know a few details, including the number of documents and the number of pages you expect to have, and also the number of copies if you wish printed proceedings. I will provide you an estimation of the publishing costs.
For additional information, please visit our home page (
I look forward to your response. Many thanks for your consideration of EPJ Web of Conferences Publishing Services.
With best regards,
Isaline Augusto
EPJ Web of Conferences - EDP Sciences
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