Dear Mr Holmes,

We prefer payment via bank transfer.
The bank details are on the invoice.

With kind regards,
Fred Bulten

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 10:29:28 +0100
From: Dr Richard Holmes <>
Subject: Re: [Tipp2014] Tipp2014
To: "E.P. Woortmann" <>,
Cc: Dr Richard Holmes <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear Eric, 

Apologies for the delays.

Do you have a facility to accept Credit Card Payments for this invoice? Finance have recently upgraded our purchasing card limits and this is now possible for me to pay this direct rather than using the finance system.

kind regards


Dr Richard J Holmes 
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., MRSC, C.Chem., C.Sci., AHEA.

Business Development Manager & STFC IPS Fellow
Sheffield Science Gateway - Dept of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sheffield 
Hicks Building 
Hounsfield Road 
S3 7RH 
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1142 223 558 
Mobile: +44(0)7734 256 131 
E-mail :

Met vriendelijke groet/With kind regards,

Fred Bulten
Nationaal instituut voor subatomaire fysica
Financiële afdeling/Finance department
Science Park 105
tel: 0031 - 20 - 5925020
fax: 0031 - 20 - 5925155