I was trying to submit my TIPP abstracts today to the indico site and ran into
difficulties. I didn't realize it was due to browser incompatibilities until
just a little while ago. By the time I had figured that out and was submitting
my abstracts the deadline expired. It's my fault for waiting until the last minute,
but there it is. I'm hoping you will grant me a time-zone exemption (it's still the
afternoon here at SLAC)
and consider the attached abstracts. Another unexpected
issue was which track to submit to. In the past, software has been an accepted
track which has been considered as very useful for instrumentation development, in
particular simulation software. The software which we have developed is very
flexible, easy to install and use, and useful in both large experiments as well as in
individual detector simulations. I appreciate your consideration of the attached
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
Enjoy the weekend.
Norman Graf