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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: BIANCO, Michele
Submitted on: 30 January 2014 09:42
Title: Development and test of a versatile DAQ system based on the ATCA standard
Abstract content A DAQ system based on custom electronics (Scalable Readout System - SRS) has been developed inside the Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector community (RD51 Collaboration) in the recent years and is now being upgraded for large scale applications using the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) platform. We present the development and test of a readout system which consists of an ATCA crate, with high-speed backplane, front-end cards based on custom ATCA blades and custom readout units. The flexibility and modularity of the system makes it a powerful tool to be used in simple setups like cosmic stands or test beams, as well as allowing for the integration into a more complex DAQ framework. It will be used for Micromegas detector certification but also for the readout of a Micromegas prototype detector in the ATLAS experiment. The certification applications include small to medium size lab and test beam setups as well as a 32-64k channel test facility for the certification of the Micromegas detectors for the ATLAS muon system upgrade. The integration of this system into the complex ATLAS online TDAQ will allow us to read out a Micromegas prototype detector with 4096 channels during the upcoming LHC run period.
Primary Authors: BIANCO, Michele (CERN) LOESEL, Philipp Jonathan (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE)) SIDIROPOULOU, Ourania (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR)) ZIBELL, Andre (Bayerische Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))
Abstract presenters: BIANCO, Michele
Track classification: Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: The presenter could be different, he will be one of the primary author