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Dear Laszlo Olah,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: OLAH, Laszlo
Submitted on: 24 February 2014 10:55
Title: A portable tracking detector for muon radiography experiments
Abstract content \documentclass{article}
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\indent Cosmic muon radiography is a tool for examination of large scale objects via proper measurement of the absorption of the atmospheric muons. In this app-li-cation of particle physics detectors standard HEP techniques encounter new challenges.\ \indent The REGARD group of Wigner RCP (Budapest) has deve-lop-ed a portable muon telescope for outdoor measurements with sensitive area of 0.1 m$^2$ and weight of 15 kg~\cite{1,2,3}. The designed detector is based on the novel Close Cathode Chambers~\cite{4,5} which provide a cheap, easy handling, lightweight, high efficiency detector system, able to work even at harsh conditions. The total power consumption of the complete detector system (with HV and DAQ modules including) is less than 5 W.\ \indent The two dimensional angular distribution of atmospheric muons have been measured at ground and shallow depth underground (10-50 meters). The multiple scattering of muons in rock has been investigated experimentally and by GEANT4 simulations. The contamination of the track sample with soft component of cosmic radiation (electron and gamma) has been estimated. The applicability of the detector as a muon tomograph has been demonstrated via reconstruction of an existing underground tunnel system.
\bibitem{1} G. G. Barnaf"oldi {\it et al.}: NIM A689 (2012) 60-69 \bibitem{2} L. Ol'ah {\it et al.}: Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. (2012) 2 781-800 \bibitem{3} L. Ol'ah {\it et al.}: Adv. in HEP (2013) 560192 1-7 \bibitem{4} D. Varga {\it et al.}: NIM A648 (2011) 163-167 \bibitem{5} D. Varga {\it et al.}: NIM A698 (2013) 11-18
Primary Authors: OLAH, Laszlo (Eötvös Loránd University and Wigner RCP of the HAS) HAMAR, Gergo (Wigner RCP of the HAS) Dr. BARNAFOLDI, Gergely (Wigner RCP of the HAS) MELEGH, Hunor Gergely (Wigner RCP of the HAS) Dr. SURÁNYI, Gergely (Geological, Geophysical and Space Science Research Group of the HAS) Dr. VARGA, Dezso (Wigner RCP of the HAS)
Abstract presenters: OLAH, Laszlo
Track classification: Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Presentation type: Oral