Dear Niels van Bakel,

I am sure that my presentation was registered as POSTER presentation.
Please assign it back to the poster session.


Yuya Makino
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory  
Nagoya University                           Tel 052-789-4323 
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8601   

On 2014/03/19, at 18:50, <>

Dear Yuya Makino,

We are pleased to inform you that your contribution:
Development of the upgraded LHCf calorimeter with Gd2SiO5 (GSO) scintillators.
has been accepted for an Oral presentation in the track
Sensors: 1a) Calorimetry.

We are looking forward to see you in Amsterdam,

Niels van Bakel,
On behalf of the track conveners and the local organizing committee