-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Invitation to Key-note talk at TIPP2014
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:29:01 +0100
From: Jan Visser <janvs@nikhef.nl>
To: Peter Hommelhoff <peter.hommelhoff@physik.uni-erlangen.de>

Dear Peter,

We would appreciate it very much if you could come to Amsterdam to give your key-note presentation.
Even though, we would like to have as much interaction between yourself and the other participants
of the conference for as many days as possible, we do understand that you are very busy and cannot
attend the whole period.


However, due to budget limitations, we cannot waive or reduce the conference fee.


We hope you can find time and budget to visit TIPP 2014.

Kind regards,

    Jan Visser

    on behalf of the local organising committee


On 18-2-2014 23:35, Peter Hommelhoff wrote:
Dear Jan,

Thank you very much. Of course I can fully understand your reservations. I know already that I have to teach on Monday and have to be back on Friday. So if you schedule my talk for either Tuesday, Wednesdy or Thursday, I should be able to stay for at least 2 days.

If that's fine with you, I will be happy to participate and present. Unfortunately, there is nothing more I can do as our semester is still in session in June, which I am very sorry about.

Looking foward to hearing back you,

With kind regards,

Am 18.02.2014 16:06, schrieb Jan Visser:
Dear Peter,

It sounds very interesting!
However, we have some reservations with respect to having key-note
speakers only present at the conference for just one day.
In this way the desired interaction between the participants is not

I hope you can find some more time in your agenda, otherwise we do
have to consider to put you on the back-up list and possibly confirm
your talk at a later date and try to find someone who has more time
to spend at the conference.

Kind regards,

   Jan Visser

On 14/02/14 15:49, Peter Hommelhoff wrote:
Dear Dr. Visser, dear TIPP organizing committee,

Thank you very much for your kind invitation. It will be a pleasure
for me to present.

I have to say that I hadn't heard much about the TIPP conference
before, but I believe that after consulting the webpage I know why you
invited me. It is probably because of our recent results on electron
acceleration with laser light at a dielectric structure. I can in fact
see that this new technology may enable new science through
instrumentation. Let me mention that I like the theme of the
conference a lot, as I believe that instrumentation and its
development if often undervalued in general science discussions.

I would therefore suggest the tentative title "Laser acceleration of
electrons at a dielectric structure -- from novel accelerator
technology to ultrafast measurement devices".

I would first introduce the topic, explain the new principle of
operation, show experimental results, and give an outlook on the
various new possibilties. I would consider this talk to be rather
general in nature, mainly introducing dielectric laser acceleration to
the TIPP community.

Last, let me mention that since the conference is in the middle of our
semester I will, unfortunaly, likely only be able to come for a day or
so, in which case I assume that you will kindly not charge the (full)
conference fee from me.

Again, thank you very much for inviting me.

With kind regards,

  Peter Hommelhoff

PS: Kindly note my new affiliation at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
(not Max Planck Institute any longer).

Am 14.02.2014 11:52, schrieb Jan Visser:
Dear Peter Hommelhoff,

The TIPP (Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics) conference
will take place in Amsterdam
from June 2 to June 6, 2014 (http://www.tipp2014.nl/). The conference
topic is technology and
instrumentation in particle and astro-particle physics, with links to
related fields as part of the broader
theme of instrumentation as enabler of Science.

You have been highly recommended to us for a key-note presentation at
this conference
and we invite you to give a presentation of 30 minutes, including

We are looking for a balanced mix of detailed talks and overview talks.
If you accept,
we would like to know the preferred subject/focus of your talk, since in
order to get
a balanced programme we may have to ask some of the key-note speakers to
their talk to either be more general or more detailed or vice versa.

Unfortunately, we are at the moment not able to cover travel cost or
provide conference fees relief.
We would very much appreciate your attendance and presentation, looking
forward to your response.
Please let us know before February 26^th if you accept the invitation
and your preference for the focus of your talk.

Kind regards,

Jan Visser
On behalf of the local organising committee.