Dear members of the organizing committee, dear Niels,
as representative of the PANDA Cherenkov Group I would like to request that you swap the assignment of oral/poster presentation for two contributions on the PANDA DIRC Detectors.
Currently you assigned a talk to Erik Etzelmueller (New developments of the PANDA Disc DIRC detector) and a poster to Albert Lehmann (The DIRC Detectors at the PANDA Experiment). As discussed previously with Niels, we would strongly prefer that Albert is assigned a talk since the presentation will describe the latest development in the design and prototype tests for the barrel and disk DIRC counters for the future PANDA experiment. Erik's presentation is aimed at discussing details of the disk DIRC development, in particular in terms of optomechanics, and was submitted as a poster.
Would you please change the assignment of Albert's abstract to a talk in the Detectors session? And in turn, to conserve the time assigned to PANDA, you could change Erik's contribution to a poster?
Thank you for your help and best regards,
Jochen Schwiening