Dear organizer,
I wonder if you could let me know if my abstracted submitted on 31st of January is still
being proceeded or not.
My colleague who submitted as well got the accept for her presentation on 18 of February
and it also can be seen on the conference webpage.
So far I have got no answer or announcement from you and the status of my abstract
that I can check on the webpage is still just submitted.
My presentation ID is 150, the title is "Performance of the EUSO-BALLOON Front-End
Electronics", Track classification is 2b) and 3a).
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Hiroko Miyamoto, PhD
RBUCE-UP/Marie Curie fellow (Junior Researcher)
Laboratoire de l'accelerateur lineaire (LAL)
UMR8607 du CNRS
Centre Scientifique d'Orsay
Bâtiment 200 - BP 34
91898 ORSAY Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)1 64 46 89 38