Dear sir or Madam,
I am the Business Development Manager for the Department of Physics and Astronomy with special remit of Particle Physics at the Univeristy of Sheffield, UK.
I work not only with the Particle Physics community, but with my colleagues in the Sheffield Science Gateway, enabling cross-faculty and cross industry collaborations to drive forward the academic research in the department.
As such, I am intending to attend the TIPP conference as this is an excellent change to network and promote the activities of the academics within the field, and I was wondering about the possibility of exhibition space during the meeting to promote our activities, both in Particle Physics and Technology Transfer.
I would be most grateful if you could provide me with details of costs for such space, and details to enable me to begin making the appropriate arrangements.
kindest regards
Dr Richard J Holmes
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., MRSC, C.Chem., C.Sci., AFHEA.
Business Development Manager & STFC IPS Fellow
Sheffield Science Gateway - Dept of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sheffield
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1142 223 558
Mobile: +44(0)7734 256 131