Crowd Mics for Education, Meetings, Conference Calls and Events.
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New website and new ways to use Crowd Mics.

It's not just a new look, it's about communicating how Crowd Mics is being used to power audience interaction. Explore Crowd Mics for:

  • Education - Classroom interaction with the phones students already have in hand.
  • Internal Meetings - All hands, town halls, weekly updates. Employees have a voice.
  • Conference Calls - When is audio ever solid on a conference call? Phones can be the mics.
  • Live Events - We are Event Tech of the Year for a reason. Real audience interaction.

Click here to explore for yourself.

You can always reply to this email with specific questions and get started now.

Stay mic'd!


Tim Holladay
CEO - Cofounder
Crowd Mics

And check out Sean's new mustache. It just works!
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