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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: ITO, Hiroshi
Submitted on: 27 February 2014 16:40
Title: Development of Real time 90Sr counter applying Cherenkov light detection
Abstract content Radioisotope have been emitted around Japan by a nuclear accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in March 2011. A problem is the contaminated water including the atomic nucleus which relatively has a long half-life time such as <sup>90</sup>Sr, <sup>137</sup>Cs generated from <sup>235</sup>U used for nuclear fuel in particular. Particular, since <sup>90</sup>Sr has a long biological half-life time (49 years), it is dangerous to cause internal exposure. Therefore, real-time <sup>90</sup>Sr counter is required. It is relatively easy to identify a nucleus emitting gamma ray. But it is more difficult to identify a nucleus emitting pure beta ray such as <sup>90</sup>Sr. Typically, measurement of a radioactivity absolute value of <sup>90</sup>Sr takes a month at least to give a result. At first, we aim to identify <sup>90</sup>Sr/<sup>137</sup>Cs by threshold type Cherenkov detection. It needs radiator which has less than 1.0492 of refractive index for identification 2.28 MeV of maximum kinematic energy of beta ray from <sup>90</sup>Sr and 1.17 MeV of maximum kinematic energy of beta ray from <sup>137</sup>Cs. Recent, The material satisfying this request does not exist expect the silica aerogel. We produced prototype and evaluated performance. We achieved 10<sup>3</sup> of Sr/Cs detection efficiency ratio, 10<sup>-3</sup> Hz/ Bq of <sup>90</sup>Sr sensitivity at one minute.
Primary Authors: Mr. ITO, Hiroshi (Chiba University)
Co-authors: Mr. IIJIMA, Shutaro (Chiba University) Mr. HAN, Soorim (Chiba University) Mr. KAWAI, Hideyuki (Chiba University) Mr. KODAMA, Satoshi (Chiba University) Mr. KUMOGOSHI, Daisuke (Chiba University) Mr. MASE, Keiichi (Chiba University) TABATA, Makoto ()
Abstract presenters: Mr. ITO, Hiroshi
Track classification: Technology transfer: 5b) Health and healthcare
Presentation type: Poster