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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: KOBAYASHI, Aine
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 16:33
Title: Development of a Muon Polarimeter for the T-violation Search Experiment at J-PARC
Abstract content TREK is a precision-frontier experiment, planned at J-PARC (Tokai, Japan), for a T-violation search in Kaon decays into the pi0 mu+ nu final state. The signature is a non-zero transverse polarization (P_T) of muons in the direction perpendicular to the decay plane. Using the same process the E246 experiment at KEK has set an upper limit on | P_T | < 0.0050 at the 90% confidence level. TREK is an upgrade of E246 with the goal of achieving more than a factor of 20 higher sensitivity using high intensity Kaon beam from J-PARC and the detector with major upgrades that include a new GEM tracker, new photon device for the CsI(Tl) calorimeter and a new magnet system providing uniform field. The most important element of TREK is the new muon polarimeter of novel design, incorporating an active muon stopper instrumented by an array of drift tubes for tracking. This design allows the tracks of muons and positrons to be reconstructed, providing a large acceptance for positrons with higher analyzing power, background suppression, and handles for controlling systematic uncertainties such as those arising from uncertainty on the decay position and its distribution. We present an overview of the TREK experiment and detail of the muon polarimeter R&D with results of studies using Monte Carlo simulation and beam tests of the full size prototype.
Primary Authors: KOBAYASHI, Aine (University of Tokyo (JP))
Co-authors: KAWAMOTO, Tatsuo (University of Tokyo (JP)) IMAZATO, Jun (KEK) YOSHIHARA, Keisuke (University of Tokyo (JP)) Prof. SHIMIZU, Suguru (Osaka University(JP)) Prof. IGARASHI, Youichi (KEK) Prof. YAMAZAKI, Hirohito (Tohoku University(JP)) Prof. HASINOFF, Mike (University of British Columbia (CA))
Abstract presenters: KOBAYASHI, Aine
Track classification: Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--