Dear TIPP14 Organizer,
I apologize but I would need an extra week to finalise the proceedings.
I hope this is not creating problems to the organization. Thanks for you patience.
Best regards, Nicola
On 30 May 2014, at 20:39, wrote:
Dear Nicola NERI,
Following the "Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014" event, you are invited to submit your contribution for the conference proceedings.
Please login to your author pages at with:
username: nerinic password: nerinic
Your contribution must be set in the PoS style and uploaded in the form of a pdf file as specified in the instructions available at
As PoS authors, you are requested to submit a PDF file, and are free to produce this in your favourite way. Please note though that the paper format must be A4 and not US letter, so that the green PoS logo on the title page does not appear partly cut off.
When you login to your Author pages on PoS you will find a link "Workarea". By clicking there and then on the link "template files and instructions" you will download a ZIP file which contains the following:
Instructions (pdf),
The MS Word template (TIPP2014.doc)
The LaTeX class file (PoS.cls) with the PoS logo (
For MS Word users: unzip the file and use the doc template to produce your contribution.
For LaTeX users: unzip the file, save the class and the logo in a specific directory, then use the skeleton file below to create your contribution.
In order to make your co-authors appear on the webpage of the proceedings, you need to click on the WORKAREA link, submit your contribution and, while your contribution is in the 'open' status, use the "ADD CO-AUTHORS" tool. If they have not been previously registered to the PoS database you will not be able to select them from the list of registered users. In that case, please contact the PoS Editorial Office and send all the information needed to register them (firstname, lastname, e-mail address and affiliation).
The deadline for submission has been set to June 27 2014.
Contributions should not exceed The page length limits are 10 pages (plenary talks and overview talks at parallel sessions), 8 pages (standard parallel talks) and 4 pages (posters)..
For any questions, please contact the PoS Editorial Office at
Best regards,
Leo Wiggers On behalf of the organising committee
\title{First prototype of a silicon tracker using an 'artificial retina' for fast track finding}
\ShortTitle{First prototype of a silicon tracker using an 'artificial retina' for fast track finding}
\author{\speaker{Nicola NERI}% \thanks{A footnote may follow.}\ Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)\ E-mail: \email{}}
%\author{Another Author\ % Affiliation\ % E-mail: \email{...}}
\abstract{.......................... ...........................}
\FullConference{Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014\ 2-6 June, 2014\ Amsterdam, the Netherlands}
\begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{...} .... \end{thebibliography}