Dear Brian Kirby,
We are pleased to inform you that your contribution: Particle Identification with the Belle II TOP Counter has been accepted for an Poster presentation in the track Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors.
We are looking forward to see you in Amsterdam,
Niels van Bakel, On behalf of the track conveners and the local organizing committee
I believe I made a mistake in my TIPP 2014 abstract application, in that the Belle II TOP particle identification detector contribution should have been submitted under track "Experiments 2a) Experiments and Upgrades". As well our group management expected this topic to be a talk instead over a poster contribution, and the related topics of TOP detector electronics and beam test results were both accepted for talks at TIPP. Is it possible for the TOP detector overview contribution to be reconsidered for a talk?
Regards, Brian Kirby
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 8:49 AM, wrote:
Dear Brian Kirby,
We are pleased to inform you that your contribution: Particle Identification with the Belle II TOP Counter has been accepted for an Poster presentation in the track Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors.
We are looking forward to see you in Amsterdam,
Niels van Bakel, On behalf of the track conveners and the local organizing committee
Thanks for considering my abstract. However my contribution was intended to be an overview of the iTOP detector presented on behalf of the Belle II collaboration, and I would appreciate if I could contact someone to discuss changing the contribution to a talk. For reference all the other Belle II iTOP related contributions from our group were accepted for talks:
- iTOP Beam test results (Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies, K. Matsuoka - iTOP MCP-PMTs (Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors, T. Yonekura, - iTOP Electronics (Data-processing: 3a) Front-end electronics, M. Andrew
Additionally I believe that my contribution should be under the "Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies" track, not the "Sensors: 1d) Photo sensors" track as I'm describing the concept and development status of the entire Belle II particle identification detector, not just the photomultiplier component. Is there anyone I can contact with regards to getting this corrected?
Unfortunately I will likely have to withdraw from the conference if this contribution can't be changed, which is something I'd really like to avoid. Thanks in advance for your time.
Regards, Brian Kirby
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 5:49 AM, wrote:
Dear Brian Kirby,
We are pleased to inform you that your contribution: Particle Identification with the Belle II TOP Counter has been accepted for an Poster presentation in the track Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors.
We are looking forward to see you in Amsterdam,
Niels van Bakel, On behalf of the track conveners and the local organizing committee