Dear Niels, I'm from IHEP CAS, my talk has been accepted. I will start my application for TIPP2014 and I need your invitation letter for TIPP2014. Before the paper invitation letter, I need a electronic invitation letter to start my application by e-mail asap. Thanks a lot.
My mail adress: 19B YuQuan Road, Shijingshan Distr, Beijing, China Post code:100049
Best reguards Boxiang Yu
-----原始邮件----- 发件人: 发送时间: 2014年3月19日 星期三 收件人: 主题: TIPP2014: Acceptance of contribution
Dear Boxiang Yu,
We are pleased to inform you that your contribution: Aging experiment of LAB based liquid scintillator for JUNO experiment has been accepted for an Poster presentation in the track Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades.
We are looking forward to see you in Amsterdam,
Niels van Bakel, On behalf of the track conveners and the local organizing committee
-- ______________________________________ Yu Boxiang(俞伯祥) Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese academy of sciences, 中国科学院高能物理研究所 19B YuQuan Road, Shijingshan Distr. 北京市石景山区玉泉路19号乙 100049 Beijing Tel:+86-10-88236064(o)
-- ______________________________________ Yu Boxiang(俞伯祥) Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese academy of sciences, 中国科学院高能物理研究所 19B YuQuan Road, Shijingshan Distr. 北京市石景山区玉泉路19号乙 100049 Beijing Tel:+86-10-88236064(o)