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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: LIU, Zhenan
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 17:18
Title: Development of MTCA/xTCA/ATCA based instrumentation for partical physics at IHEP
Abstract content This talk briefs the development of instrumentation for particle physics experiment based on the ATCA/MTCA/xTCA specifications. Examples includes hardware for LLRF, Compute Node(ATCA compatible) for PANDA experiment, Lumird for BESIII Luminosity readout, Compute Node(xTCA compatible) for DEPFET/PXD detector, digitizer and trigger for TREND experiment. discussion on the back-end readout electronics trend is discussed.
Summary As one of the 4 sponsor labs(DESY,FNAL,IHEP,SLAC) of the new standard--"xTCA for Physics", shortaed as xTCA, IHEP/Triglab deeply envolved in the development of the backend instrument for pariticle physics. Experience has been gained with acceptance by experiments and/or usage. More detailed information will be given
Primary Authors: LIU, Zhen-an (I)
Abstract presenters: LIU, Zhen-an
Track classification: Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: co-authors to added later