Dear Francisco Jose Iguaz Gutierrez,
We are pleased to inform you that your contribution: Characterization of a Spherical Proportional Counter in argon-based mixtures has been accepted for an Oral presentation in the track Experiments: 2d) Dark Matter Detectors.
We are looking forward to see you in Amsterdam,
Niels van Bakel, On behalf of the track conveners and the local organizing committee
Dear Niels van Bakel,
Thank you for your positive answer. Unfortunately, I can't present my work in the Dark Matter session.
There is another colleague from NEWs network, Ali Dastgheibi from IRFU/CEA-Saclay (, who intended to send an abstract for this session. As far as I know, he planned to present the latest results of a detector situated at Modane Underground Laboratory.
In contrast, my work is more focused in the technical development of the spherical detector and its test in different gases, even if I would also mention the different applications of this detector. For this reason, I associated it to the tracks "Gaseous Detectors" & "Novel technologies".
My work, could it be reconsidered for the other sessions, please? In parallel, I will contact my colleague, in case he hasn't sent his abstract yet.
Thanks for you understanding.
Francisco Iguaz
El 20/02/14 17:06, escribió:
Dear Francisco Jose Iguaz Gutierrez,
We are pleased to inform you that your contribution: Characterization of a Spherical Proportional Counter in argon-based mixtures has been accepted for an Oral presentation in the track Experiments: 2d) Dark Matter Detectors.
We are looking forward to see you in Amsterdam,
Niels van Bakel, On behalf of the track conveners and the local organizing committee