Hi, two of my former students from the University of Qinghua, Zeng Ming and Zeng Zhi, will attend the TIPP conference and then stay two days extra to work with me.
Can we please provide them with letters of invitation until June 9, to cover the entire periods of their stay?
Thanks in advance for your kind help, regards Antonio
******************************************************************************** Antonio Pellegrino (Nikhef and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) c/o NIKHEF, P.O.Box 41882 1009 DB Amsterdam - The Netherlands email: antonio@nikhef.nl GSM CH 41 76 487 2572 GSM NL 31 6 46 81 20 02 - work GSM NL 31 6 14 22 63 01 - private Tel. 31 20 592 5002 FAX 31 20 592 5155 ********************************************************************************