Crowd Mics came home with a win from the SISO Innovation Battlefield! We had 6 minutes to pitch so we just had everyone join a Crowd Mics event and did a live demo. In just a few minutes we had over 50 text comments and a dozen voice comments. We could hear an audible gasp when David Adler, CEO of BizBash was chosen to speak into his phone and was heard over the sound system. You can read about it on AZ TechBeat ( . Shout out to CoatChex (Shark Tank) and Prsonas (sick AI booth tech). But is there time to get Crowd Mics setup for your event this fall? Yes!! We had a bunch of interaction from an audience that had never seen Crowd 6 minutes!
You just need to reply now to this email to get setup for your fall event. You can also call 480-725-7255 or chat on our website.
You audience has a voice, let them use it!
Tim Crowd Mics 480-725-7255 @crowdmics (
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