Dear conference organisers,
we thought we had already communicated you the names of the presenters of the ATLAS talks and posters that have been accepted at TIPP, but we have noticed that perhaps this information has not been received for some reason. In fact, it still appears on the conference contributions page ( that all talks and posters are being presented by the members of the TDAQ Speakers Committee that submitted the abstract on behalf of the collaboration. We tried to see if there is a way to transfer the presentations to the actual presenters on your online page, but we could not find one. We are therefore putting below the list of talks/posters and presenters and would be really grateful if you could modify the page accordingly, or if you could let us know if there is a way for us to do it.
Best Regards,
Nicoletta, Francesca and Fab (on behalf of the ATLAS TDAQ-SC).
Evolution of the ReadOut System of the ATLAS experiment (talk) -- Wainer Vandelli Towards a Level-1 tracking trigger for the ATLAS experiment (talk) -- Alessandro Cerri Initial Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (poster) -- Duc Bao Ta The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger (talk) -- Ivana Radoslavova Hristova The Serial Link Processor for the Fast TracKer (FTK) processor at ATLAS (talk) -- Pierluigi Luciano The Fast TracKer Processing Unit future evolution (talk) -- Christos Gentos The ATLAS Tau Trigger (poster) -- Pere Rados The Associative Memory computing power and its simulation (poster) -- Guido Volpi Topology in the future ATLAS Level-1 Trigger (poster) -- Christian Kahra A High Performance Multi-Core FPGA Implementation for 2D Pixel Clustering for the ATLAS Fast TracKer (FTK) Processor (talk) -- Calliope Sotiropoulou