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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: SAKO, Hiroyuki
Submitted on: 22 January 2014 10:58
Title: Scintillating Fiber Detector for the Beam Loss Proton Measurements at J-PARC Linac
Abstract content In the J-PARC linac, due to its high intensity H- beam, significant beam loss has been observed at the downstream straight beam line section called ACS (Annular-Coupled Structure linac). The loss is mainly due to a proton which is produced due to double electron stripping of the H^- beam by the residual gas inside the beam pipe, and the titanium beam pipe. We have developed a detector system consisting of 8 planes of scintillating fiber hodoscopes in order to measure proton tracks emitted from the beam pipe of the J-PARC linac. The system measures positions of the charged particle tracks in a small solid angle, and also measures the time-of-flight of each particle. We show angular and energy distribututions of the proton tracks measured in 2012-2013. We also show comparison of the results with simulation.
Primary Authors: SAKO, Hiroyuki (Japan Atomic Research Agency)
Co-authors: Dr. MARUTA, Tomofumi (KEK) Mr. MIURA, Akihiko (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr. KONSTANTINOVA, Olga (KEK)
Abstract presenters: SAKO, Hiroyuki
Track classification: Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--