Hi all,
the /data/antares disk is completely full: at the moment there is 3.2G available out of 12T. Since I need to write files to a disk that is available from Stoomboot for my analysis (so I can't use my /localstore for this), I need the /data/antares disk.
About half of the disk (5.5T) is taken up by the users directory, with here a list of the 10 users that use the most space:
1.8T trias
1.1T ckopper
786G bogazzi
479G dosamt
446G gwijker
310G rbruijn
244G erwin
187G eleonora
147G smangano
126G t61
It can be seen that more than half of the users folder is taken by people that are not at Nikhef anymore…
Does anybody know what can be done about this (remove stuff, move files to tape, is there another disk I can use?), because I have nowhere to write files to at the moment...