Dear colleague, (please forward this announcement to all potentially interested)
The Medical Diagnosis and Imaging (VL-e Medical) subprogram of VL-e is holding a one-day workshop in conjunction with Grid Forum Nederland as a closing activity: Date: 16 December 2009 Location: AMC, Amsterdam Time: 9-18:30h
The program will consist of talks by project members, invited speakers, a panel discussion and a cocktail. Please see summary below and more information on
*The workshop is open, but space is limited and registration is required for participation.*
To register please send an e-mail to J.H.vanderVelde @ with the following information: Name: Affiliation (with address): E-mail for contact: Please also Indicate if you will participate on the • morning program (y/n) • afternoon program (y/n) • lunch (y/n) • cocktail (y/n)
Looking forward to meeting you in this last VL-e Medical event!
Best regards,
Silvia D. Olabarriaga
Academic Medical Center +31 20 566 4660 (Tue-Fri) Informatics Institute +31 20 525 7549 (Mon) University of Amsterdam
---------------------------- Preliminary program VL-e Medical closing workshop Dec 16, 2009, AMC
9:00 Reception Opening Silvia Olabarriaga (AMC) Baby Steps in VL-e Medical Rob Belleman (UvA) Grid and cluster computing in VUmc; Future prospects and the role of VL-e Medical Bob van Dijk (VUmc) Title tbc Aart Nederveen (AMC) Coffee Break Fault-tolerant nested workflows for dual tensor atlas estimation Matthan Caan (AMC and TUDelft) VL-e-Med-based medical imaging experiments at CNRS-Creatis Tristan Glatard (CNRS Lyon, FR) Will VL-e Medical boost e-life-sciences? Antoine van Kampen (AMC) Closing discussion Lunch with demos (tbc)
14:30 Opening afternoon program Silvia Olabarriaga (AMC) NeuroLOG: a collaborative environment for neurosciences interfaced to the EGEE production grid Johan Montagnat (CNRS Sophia Antipolis, FR) Keynote talk Andreas Hoheisel (Fraunhofer Institute, Berlin, DE) Gridbased Medical Image Processing in the German MediGrid - Achievements and Challenges Dagmar Krefting (Charite Hospital, Berlin, DE Cocktail with demos (tbc)
18:30 End program