Komt allen (zeker gezien de titel :-)
Dear colleague,
Tristan Glatard, a CNRS researcher at the Creatis-LRMN lab and a former member of VL-e, will present a talk at the Science Park next week.
Looking forward to meeting you there,
-- Silvia D. Olabarriaga
Academic Medical Center +31 20 566 4660 (Tue-Fri) Informatics Institute +31 20 525 7549 (Mon) University of Amsterdam http://www.science.uva.nl/~silvia/contact.html
=============================== My after-Dutch life: How much I miss grid.support ;-)
This talk will present our recent design, implementation, application porting and experimental efforts conducted at Creatis (Lyon, France) related to VL-e medical software. We will first present an integration of DIANE pilot jobs to improve quality of service in the biomed VO. Then, a service performing site monitoring and pre-selection will be described and experimental results will show how it complements pilot jobs. Besides, an interface of VL-e medical software with the ARC middleware will be presented, allowing application workflows to run both on EGEE/gLite and NorduGrid? /ARC resources. Finally, three application use-cases (namely FIELD ultrasonic simulation, GATE radiotherapy simulation and CAVIAR cardiovascular analysis) will be presented, illustrating current achievements, remaining technical issues and on-going optimizations.
When & Where: * 26 August, 2009 * 10-11h * NIKHEF Room H3.31
More info on http://amc-app1.amc.sara.nl/twiki/bin/view/EBioScience/News#GlatardSciencePa...
This event is jointly organized by VL-e, Big Grid and the e-Bioscience group of the Bioinformatics Laboratory of the AMC.