for those of you regular users of the BiG Grid video conferencing setup: Surfnet discontinued this service because they offer another service called SURFcontact as of March 2009 and decided to phase out the old MCU.
While I share your surprise and disappointment over this sudden change, it was apparently announced as early as last year by Surfnet, although this never reached me.
Things being as they are, this leaves us in a bit of a situation for the upcoming meetings. For conferencing between two parties it is no problem to use point-to-point connections, but for multiple users some other service needs to be used.
The replacement service, SURFcontact, is under consideration, but the service terms and conditions are much different from what they were.
I'll keep you informed.
Dennis van Dok
Hi Dennis, all,
As an emergency measure, I've reserved for you the *FRENCH* MCU for the Monday BiG Grid end-user meeting. Since this is an HEP service, I've added "NLT1" to the title, please ignore that :-)
Note that the DIAL-IN IP number is now different, and the PIN code is "1111"
Cheers, DavidG.
RMS reservation de visioconference
------------- CONFERENCE ----------------- -- Titre : BiG_Grid_and_NLT1meeting -- Date : 19 octobre 2009 -- Heure : 13:00:00 heure locale -- Duree : 02:00:00 -- Numero a appeler : ---- IP : ---- ISDN : +33 (0)4 26 68 73 00 ---- TEL : +33 (0)4 26 68 73 00 -- Identifiant numerique : 29105 (terminer par #) -- Code PIN : 1111 (terminer par #)
----------- WEB COMPAGNON --------------- -- streaming, document, chat, etc. ---- http://rms.in2p3.fr/compagnon.php?idConf=29105&identConf=1111_BiG_Grid_a...
------------- STREAMING ----------------- -- Pour suivre cette conference en streaming (RealPlayer ou QuickTime) : ---- rtsp:// (384 Kbts/s) ---- rtsp:// (768 Kbts/s) -- Code PIN : 1111
--------------- INFORMATIONS -------------- -- Email du responsable de la conference mailto:davidg@nikhef.nl -- Proprietaire mailto:davidg@nikhef.nl -- Commentaires :
--------------- DOCUMENTS -------------- -- http://rms.in2p3.fr/spaceConfLogin.php?conference=29105 PASSWORD : 1111
Dennis van Dok wrote:
for those of you regular users of the BiG Grid video conferencing setup: Surfnet discontinued this service because they offer another service called SURFcontact as of March 2009 and decided to phase out the old MCU.
While I share your surprise and disappointment over this sudden change, it was apparently announced as early as last year by Surfnet, although this never reached me.
Things being as they are, this leaves us in a bit of a situation for the upcoming meetings. For conferencing between two parties it is no problem to use point-to-point connections, but for multiple users some other service needs to be used.
The replacement service, SURFcontact, is under consideration, but the service terms and conditions are much different from what they were.
I'll keep you informed.
Dennis van Dok
Hi Dennis,
Why don't you consider the usage of EVO virtual rooms? Combined with the echo cancelation of the VC-set it really is not an inferior option.
Other people use the esnet mcu. See http://www.ecs.es.net/docs/adhoc/adhocuse.html
Just my 2 cents ;-)
Dennis van Dok wrote:
for those of you regular users of the BiG Grid video conferencing setup: Surfnet discontinued this service because they offer another service called SURFcontact as of March 2009 and decided to phase out the old MCU.
While I share your surprise and disappointment over this sudden change, it was apparently announced as early as last year by Surfnet, although this never reached me.
Things being as they are, this leaves us in a bit of a situation for the upcoming meetings. For conferencing between two parties it is no problem to use point-to-point connections, but for multiple users some other service needs to be used.
The replacement service, SURFcontact, is under consideration, but the service terms and conditions are much different from what they were.
I'll keep you informed.
Dennis van Dok
André van Kan wrote:
Hi Dennis,
Why don't you consider the usage of EVO virtual rooms? Combined with the echo cancelation of the VC-set it really is not an inferior option.
The problem with EVO is stability, and that any single party with bad equipment can completely wreck the conference. I found through experience that for serious work EVO, like VRVS before, is just broken :-(
Other people use the esnet mcu. See http://www.ecs.es.net/docs/adhoc/adhocuse.html
Yep. Downside of the ESnet one is that parties have to registred, and it's intended for ESnet related work. BiG Grid can hardly qualify for that ...
Just my 2 cents ;-)
Dennis van Dok wrote:
for those of you regular users of the BiG Grid video conferencing setup: Surfnet discontinued this service because they offer another service called SURFcontact as of March 2009 and decided to phase out the old MCU.
While I share your surprise and disappointment over this sudden change, it was apparently announced as early as last year by Surfnet, although this never reached me.
Things being as they are, this leaves us in a bit of a situation for the upcoming meetings. For conferencing between two parties it is no problem to use point-to-point connections, but for multiple users some other service needs to be used.
The replacement service, SURFcontact, is under consideration, but the service terms and conditions are much different from what they were.
I'll keep you informed.
Dennis van Dok