I just updated the Ganga installation at NIKHEF to version 5.1.4 (release note: http://ganga.web.cern.ch/ganga/release/5.1.4/release/ReleaseNotes-5.1.4) .
by sourcing "/project/atlas/nikhef/ganga/etc/setup.(c)sh", you are pointed to this version by default.
An important new feature is that the FileStager has been supported through the "DQ2Dataset" for jobs running on the Grid.
To enable it, just do
j.inputdata.type = 'FILE_STAGER'
before submitting jobs to the Grid.
Preliminary tests on the Grid show some encouragement in using FileStager concerning the performance and same level of reliability as other data copy mode. We will try to improve the reliability in the next Ganga release.
Cheers, Hurng