-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Sp-leaders] Reminder VL-e Medical Closing Workshop 16th December 2009! Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 14:02:26 +0100 From: Jacqueline van der Velde To:,,
Dear madam, dear sir,
On behalf of Silvia Olabarriaga I herewith remind you of the VL-e Medical Closing Workshop at the AMC on 16th December 2009.
If you would like to attend please send an e-mail to J.H.vanderVelde@ with the following information: Name: Affiliation (with address): E-mail for contact: Please also indicate if you will participate on the • morning program (y/n) • afternoon program (y/n) • lunch (y/n) • cocktail (y/n)
Deadline for registration is Friday 11th December 2009.
Below please find the preliminary program.
/9:00 Reception Opening: Silvia Olabarriaga (AMC) Baby Steps in VL-e Medical: Rob Belleman (UvA) Grid and cluster computing in VUmc; Future prospects and the role of VL-e Medical: Bob van Dijk (VUmc) Title tbc: Aart Nederveen (AMC)
Coffee Break
Fault-tolerant nested workflows for dual tensor atlas estimation: Matthan Caan (AMC and TUDelft) VL-e-Med-based medical imaging experiments at CNRS-Creatis: ristan Glatard (CNRS Lyon, FR) Will VL-e Medical boost e-life-sciences? : Antoine van Kampen (AMC)
Closing discussion
Lunch with demos (tbc)
14:30 Opening afternoon program: Silvia Olabarriaga (AMC) NeuroLOG: a collaborative environment for neurosciences interfaced to the EGEE production grid: Johan Montagnat (CNRS Sophia Antipolis, FR) Keynote talk: Andreas Hoheisel (Fraunhofer Institute, Berlin, DE) Gridbased Medical Image Processing in the German MediGrid - Achievements and Challenges : Dagmar Krefting (Charite Hospital, Berlin, DE)
Cocktail with demos (tbc)
18:30 End program/
Kind regards, Jacqueline van der Velde
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