Hi *,
Discussion in the TCG now on these two tasks:
https://savannah.cern.ch/task/?7945 https://savannah.cern.ch/task/?7995
The "EGEE MPI recommendations" do not address the problem in the first task; the TMB is looking for someone to chair a new TF to come up with a new recipe.
SARA reported that they had put significant work in getting MPI running lately, perhaps they would be interested in chairing this group? Who was heading this at SARA?
Jeff Templon wrote:
Hi *,
Discussion in the TCG now on these two tasks:
https://savannah.cern.ch/task/?7945 https://savannah.cern.ch/task/?7995
The "EGEE MPI recommendations" do not address the problem in the first task; the TMB is looking for someone to chair a new TF to come up with a new recipe.
SARA reported that they had put significant work in getting MPI running lately, perhaps they would be interested in chairing this group? Who was heading this at SARA?
that would be Jeroen Engelberts (and Fokke in Groningen).