Hi *,
This is a reminder that Floris Sluiter (SARA) will give a BiG Grid Colloquium on Cloud Computing on Wednesday 29 June at 10:00, Room H.331 at Nikhef. The colloquium is open to everyone affiliated with BiG Grid, and to our interested colleagues at EGI.
Title: How to build the HPC Cloud and what to do with it…
BiGGrid has funded the creation of a new HPC Cloud. For the past year a beta version has been running to gain insight and experience. The talk will try to answer the following questions:
- What is a HPC Cloud? - What is needed to create a successful HPC cloud? - What is an ideal system and software architecture for an HPC Cloud? - Sneak preview of the new HPC cloud, ETA in September… - What can be done with an HPC cloud from a user perspective (with a short demo of the beta cloud)
The Speaker:
Floris Sluiter is HPC and Grid consultant at SARA (www.sara.nl) and is the project leader of the BiGGrid (www.biggrid.nl) HPC cloud (www.cloud.sara.nl)
ps: I mistakenly believed that "Colloquium" was a universally understood concept, and had several questions about the format.
1) nominal length is one hour; 50 minutes for the speaker to make his presentation. Unless the speaker wishes otherwise, normally questions during this period are limited to 'clarification' type questions. At the end of the 50 minutes the floor is opened to more detailed questions and discussion. Depending on how lively this discussion is, we might go on til 11:15.