On 10/02/14 18:00, Rob Lambert wrote:
- "Sandbox" Moore version running HLT2-like tracking.
Turns out the nice little Moore trick made by Sebastian to simplify the running of Moore will only be 100% available from Moore v22r0 (a future version to be released in around 2 weeks). We could mimic it's behaviour with sufficient amount of various local checked-out packages, but might be best to stick to Brunel for this first set of tests, to setup the tools you want to use.
If you're running on lxplus you can run a Brunel test quite easily, but I think you want to be flexible enough not to have to run there, so I've copied a test file to our local system for you:
To use it:
SetupProject Brunel v44r9 --build-env getpack PRConfig head make SetupProject Brunel v44r9 gaudirun.py --option="from Configurables import Brunel; from PRConfig import TestFileDB; from GaudiConf import IOExtension; TestFileDB.test_file_db['2012_raw_nu6'].run(configurable=Brunel()); IOExtension().inputFiles(['/data/bfys/rlambert/2012_raw_nu6_125745_0000000007.raw'],clear=True); Brunel().SkipEvents=27; Brunel().EvtMax=10;"
Which I think is the simplest way to do it...
Notice that the input file, the number of events, and the name of the output file are steered here. You will end up with some file matching WilcoTestBrunel*.dst in the directory where you run.
This input file has a lot of very large events in it, so in general I expect the events to take a long time to process and several events to be aborted due to too-high occupancy. However I think the events 27->37 are a reasonable example set with no aborts in them.
Now, this Brunel will probably run more than you really want it to run, it will spend a lot of time in particle identification and less than 50% of the time in tracking, but it will give the most realistic memory layout, that's for sure.
To eliminate the algorithms that you don't really need to be running yourself, you could also add the options:
Brunel().Detectors=['Velo','PuVeto','TT','IT','OT','Muon','Magnet','Tr']; from Gaudi.Configuration import *; GaudiSequencer('RecoCALOSeq').Enable=False; GaudiSequencer('RecoRICHSeq').Enable=False; GaudiSequencer('LumiSeq').Enable=False; GaudiSequencer('RecoPROTOSeq').Enable=False;"
And then the tracking will take the majority of the time (at the moment, PatVeloTT takes the lions share... I don't really know why that is, probably exploding combinatorics from high TT-occupancy).
Thanks Rob,
I'll get to work on this tomorrow and report back :)
-- Wilco