Hi All,
There is a trigger-optimization session in the next trigger workshop.
(I think it's probably OK to tell you the LHCb password for that, but I'd prefer not to email it around myself, so pls pass by for the password).
9AM->12:30. I think that might be a good idea to see the current state-of-play and the key players inside LHCb working on similar (orthogonal) problems. You can connect remotely and simply listen in.
Probably not everything is useful and you might want to have it playing as "background noise" most of the time, but anyway, it's there if you want it ;)
Here is a summary of the session:
---------------------- Monday, 3 February 2014
09:00 - 10:45 Tracking 2015
09:00 Tracking performances a la 2015 20' Speaker: Maurizio Martinelli (NIKHEF (NL))
09:20 Improving VeloTT 20' Speaker: Espen Eie Bowen (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
09:40 What Can a Thoughtful Man Hope for 2015 Tracking, Given the Experience of the Past Year of Upgrade Tracking 20' Speaker: Michel De Cian (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
10:05 2015 tracking preparation 20' Speaker: Maurizio Martinelli (NIKHEF (NL))
10:55 - 12:35 Tracking Upgrade 10:55 VeloPix 20' Speaker: Heinrich Schindler (CERN)
11:15 Upgrade Pattern Recognition 20' Speaker: Thomas Nikodem (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
11:35 Everything you wanted to know about auto-vectorization 20' Speaker: Stefan Lohn (CERN)
11:55 Make your code faster ! 20' Speaker: Tim Head (CERN)
12:15 Track Fitting 20' Speaker: Wouter Hulsbergen (NIKHEF (NL)) -----------------------------------
------------------------------------------ Robert Lambert FOM-VU-NIKHEF-Bfys LHCb Email: rob.lambert@cern.ch ------------------------------------------ Nikhef N251 Tel: +31 20 592 2131 Fax: +31 20 592 5155 ------------------------------------------ CERN, 13-1-018 Tel: +41 22 767 4024 Fax: +41 22 766 8109 ------------------------------------------