The following email has been sent to VAN BEUZEKOM, Martin:
Dear Martin Van Beuzekom,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: VAN BEUZEKOM, Martin
Submitted on: 03 February 2014 08:54
Title: Another test
Abstract content
Can you PLEASE give me an oral presentation....
Primary Authors:
VAN BEUZEKOM, Martin (NIKHEF (NL)) <martin.van.beuzekom(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Emerging technologies: 4b) MEMS
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to VAN BEUZEKOM, Martin:
Dear Martin Van Beuzekom,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: VAN BEUZEKOM, Martin
Submitted on: 03 February 2014 08:38
Title: Just a test
Abstract content
Let's test whether I can get a talk with this empty abstract
Primary Authors:
VAN BEUZEKOM, Martin (NIKHEF (NL)) <martin.van.beuzekom(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Emerging technologies: 4b) MEMS
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to VISSER, Janvs:
Dear Janvs Visser,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: VISSER, Janvs
Submitted on: 03 February 2014 08:10
Title: MEMS in space (test abstract)
Abstract content
MEMS in space is the best new invention since sliced bread
Mme experiment.Multi-component detector systems and upgrades to existing detectors. This subject includes special overview talks from the major experiments/projects across the fields (collider experiments, rare kaon/muon experiments, neutrino experiments, dark matter experiments, astrophysics experiments, large scale R&D projects .... etc). Multi-component detector systems and upgrades to existing detectors. This subject includes special overview talks from the major experiments/projects across the fields (collider experiments, rare kaon/muon experiments, neutrino experiments, dark matter experiments, astrophysics experiments, large scale R&D projects .... etc). This conference and this track is not for polished talks about all that is beautiful and works well. We'd like to hear what the limitations are of the current experiments and how it limits the science and focus on ideas on how to break these barriers. The overview talks could reference/advertise the shorter (more focused) talks from the same experiment.Multi-component detector systems and upgrades to existing detectors. This subject includes special overview talks from the major experiments/projects across the fields (collider experiments, rare kaon/muon experiments, neutrino experiments, dark matter experiments, astrophysics experiments, large scale R&D projects .... etc). This conference and this track is not for polished talks about all that is beautiful and works well. We'd like to hear what the limitations are of the current experiments and how it limits the science and focus on ideas on how to break these barriers. The overview talks could reference/advertise the shorter (more focused) talks from the same experiment.This conference and this track is not for polished talks about all that is beautiful and works well. We'd like to hear what the limitations are of the current experiments and how it limits the science and focus on ideas on how to break these barriers. The overview talks could reference/advertise the shorter (more focused) talks from the same experiment.
Primary Authors:
VISSER, Janvs (NIKHEF (NL)) <janvs(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Emerging technologies: 4b) MEMS
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: why can't I choose poster or oral presentation? why do I
need to submit a summary there is no limit on the number of
The following email has been sent to LEE, Daehee:
Dear Daehee Lee,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
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Status of your abstract:
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: LEE, Daehee
Submitted on: 03 February 2014 04:11
Title: A radiation hardness CMOS layout by only changing procedure of
a layer
Abstract content
The impact from radiation to complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuit which is used as read out circuit for high energy experiments or space satellite has been categorized into two problems: Total ionizing dose (TID) reflecting the long-period-time effects exists and the other is the single event effects (SEE) characterizing short time result. TID effect makes threshold voltages shifted and leakage current of NMOS transistors in CMOS device increase, especially. Thus, a number of layout methods are implemented. For example, enclosed layout transistor (ELT) has radiation hardness against TID effects while it has large implementation area, complicated effective W/L ratio, and asymmetric source and drain capacitance. It makes circuit design difficult. Other technique except ELT needs additional layer to exploit or careful design to eliminate short problem by silicide process. However, we presented simple and powerful radiation hardness layout method which needs only layer procedure change. It has been implemented using 0.18 m CMOS process. Traditional NMOS, proposed NMOS, and ELT will be tested by using Co-60 gamma ray source up to 30 Mrad and compared about leakage current, noise at input gate, and threshold voltage shift.
Primary Authors:
Mr. LEE, Daehee (KAIST) <zzzeogml(a)>
Mr. KANG, Dong-uk (KAIST) <dukang(a)>
Mr. PARK, Kyeongjin (KAIST) <myesens(a)>
Mr. KIM, Myoung Soo (KAIST) <mykingdomi(a)>
Mr. CHO, Minsik (KAIST) <cms8564(a)>
Mr. KIM, Jong Yul (KAIST) <kjongyul(a)>
Mr. KIM, Yewon (KAIST) <yewonkim(a)>
Mr. HEO, Jaewon (KAIST) <jay1(a)>
Mr. LIM, Kyung Teak (KAIST) <kl2548(a)>
Dr. KIM, Hyunduk (KAIST) <fororigin(a)>
Prof. CHO, Gyuseoung (KAIST) <gscho(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Mr. LEE, Daehee
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Experiments: 2b) Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to ZHOU, Yang:
Dear Yang ZHOU,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: ZHOU, Yang
Submitted on: 02 February 2014 22:16
Title: COMETH: a CMOS pixel sensor for a highly miniaturized high-flux
radiation monitor
Abstract content
The need for miniaturized and versatile real-time radiation monitors has become a general trend for spacecraft applications. It requires a highly integrated detection system with the ability to identify ion species in a high flux mixed environment. We have proposed [1] a new strategy to meet these requirements with a single CMOS pixel chip.
This sensor is based on a matrix of 50×50 µm2 pixels, read out in rolling-shutter mode, and features columns ended by 3-bit ADCs with tunable threshold. An embedded digital algorithm extracts the particle properties from the hit information to provide the radiation flux on–line.
A reduced scale prototype with 32×32 pixels and 32 column ADCs has been designed and fabricated in a 0.35 µm process. The layout of the identifying and counting algorithm, downstream the pixel matrix, was developed in the same process. A full simulation of this layout for a subset of columns was used to check the algorithm output against many inputs.
Test results obtained with X-rays, ß- particles and laser illumination, confirm previous simulations addressing gain and linearity. Column ADCs also show expected features. Those measurements validate the possibility to monitor proton and electron fluxes up to 107 particles•cm-2•s-1 and distinguish proton from electron for energies lower than 50 MeV.
[1] Y.Zhou et al., JINST 7 (2012) C12003.
*COMETH: Counter for Monitoring the Energy and Type of charged particles in High flux
Primary Authors:
ZHOU, Yang (CNRS/IN2P3) <yang.zhou(a)>
BAUDOT, Jerome (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR)) <baudot(a)>
GUO HU, Christine (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR)) <>
HU, Yongcai (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR)) <hu(a)>
JAASKELAINEN, Kimmo (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR)) <kimmo.jaaskelainen(a)>
WINTER, Marc (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR)) <marc.winter(a)>
Abstract presenters:
ZHOU, Yang
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
Dear sir or Madam,
I am the Business Development Manager for the Department of Physics and Astronomy with special remit of Particle Physics at the Univeristy of Sheffield, UK.
I work not only with the Particle Physics community, but with my colleagues in the Sheffield Science Gateway, enabling cross-faculty and cross industry collaborations to drive forward the academic research in the department.
As such, I am intending to attend the TIPP conference as this is an excellent change to network and promote the activities of the academics within the field, and I was wondering about the possibility of exhibition space during the meeting to promote our activities, both in Particle Physics and Technology Transfer.
I would be most grateful if you could provide me with details of costs for such space, and details to enable me to begin making the appropriate arrangements.
kindest regards
Dr Richard J Holmes
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., MRSC, C.Chem., C.Sci., AFHEA.
Business Development Manager & STFC IPS Fellow
Sheffield Science Gateway - Dept of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sheffield
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
S3 7RH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1142 223 558
Mobile: +44(0)7734 256 131
E-mail : richard.holmes(a)
Linked In ID:
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The following email has been sent to TOSI, Mia:
Dear Mia Tosi,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
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Status of your abstract:
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: TOSI, Mia
Submitted on: 02 February 2014 11:01
Title: Tracking at High Level Trigger in CMS
Abstract content
The trigger systems of the LHC detectors play a crucial role in determining the physics capabilities of the experiments. A reduction of several orders of magnitude of the event rate is needed to reach values compatible with detector readout, offline storage and analysis capability. The CMS experiment has been designed with a two-level trigger system: the Level-1 Trigger (L1T), implemented on custom-designed electronics, and the High Level Trigger (HLT), a streamlined version of the CMS offline reconstruction software running on a computer farm. A software trigger system requires a trade-off between the complexity of the algorithms, the sustainable output rate, and the selection efficiency. With the computing power available during the 2012 data taking the maximum reconstruction time at HLT was about 200 ms per event, at the nominal L1T rate of 100 kHz. Track reconstruction algorithms are widely used in the HLT, for the reconstruction of the physics objects as well as in the identification of b-jets and lepton isolation. Reconstructed tracks are also used to distinguish the primary vertex, which identifies the hard interaction process, from the pileup ones. This task is particularly important in the LHC environment given the large number of interactions per bunch crossing: on average 25 in 2012, and expected to be around 40 in Run II. We will present the performance of HLT tracking algorithms, discussing its impact on CMS physics programme, as well as new developments done towards the next data taking in 2015.
Primary Authors:
TOSI, Mia (Universita' degli Studi di Padova e INFN (IT)) <mia.tosi(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: on behalf of the CMS collaboration
The following email has been sent to LEVORATO, Stefano:
Dear Stefano Levorato,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted:
Status of your abstract:
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: LEVORATO, Stefano
Submitted on: 01 February 2014 09:51
Title: MPGD-based counters of single photons for Cherenkov imaging
Abstract content
Architectures based on MicroPattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) represent a possible answer to the quest for novel gaseous counters with single photon detection capability able to overcome all the limitations of the present generation of gaseous photon detectors. In Cherenkov imaging counters, gaseous photon detectors are still the unique option when insensitivity to magnetic field, low material budget, and affordable costs in view of large detection surfaces are required.
A systematic R&D programme has been performed for several years to develop novel gas photon detectors base on an arrangement of multiple layers of THick-Gas Electron Multipliers (THGEM): a deep understanding of the THGEM characteristics has been achieved and their parameters have been optimised in view of the photon detection application. Large gains are required to detect effectively single photoelectrons and, after the optimisation process, the novel detectors exhibit electrical stability up to gains as high as to 1-2 x 105 also in presence of radioactive backgrounds. The delicate aspect of the photoelectron extraction from a GEM-like photocathode has been studied in detail and conditions for effective extraction have been obtained. The suppression of the signal produced by ionising particles crossing the photon detectors has been proven. In parallel with establishing the detector principle, the engineering towards large-size counters is ongoing and an intermediate size detector with 300 x 300 mm2 active surface has been successfully operated.
Recently a new hybrid approach has been considered: an architecture where the last multiplication stage is obtained by using a Micromegas arrangement.
The completed R&D studies and the engineering aspects are summarised and the characterization of the hybrid detector prototypes are reported.
Nowadays, the Cherenkov imaging technique for Particle IDentification (PID) has been established as a robust, reliable experimental approach thanks to the use in several experiments. They are used and foreseen in the experimental apparata of several future research programmes. The effectiveness of visible and UV single photon detection is at the basis of the success of these counters. So far, only vacuum-based detectors and gaseous photon detectors have been adopted. Other photon detectors being developed are interesting only for applications in the far future. Gaseous photon detectors are still the only available option to instrument detection surfaces when insensitivity to magnetic field, low material budget, and affordable costs in view of large detection surfaces are required.
The present generation of gaseous photon detectors, namely MWPC where a cathode plane is formed by a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) segmented in pads and coated with a CsI film, adopted in several experiments (NA44, HADES, COMPASS, STAR, JLab-HallA and ALICE) exhibit some performance limitations: ageing, causing a severe decrease of the quantum efficiency after a collected charge of the order of some mC/cm2, feedback pulses with a rate increasing at large gain-values, and long recovery time (about 1 day) after an occasional discharge in the detector. These limitations are related to the photon feedback from the multiplication region and to the bombardment of the CsI photocathode film by the positive ions generated in the multiplication process. They impose to operate at low gain (a few times 104), resulting in two relevant consequences: the efficiency of single photoelectron detection is reduced and rate limitations are present. Moreover, in these detectors the signal formation is intrinsically slow. There is a clear quest for novel gaseous photon detectors with advanced characteristics, namely intrinsically fast signals and reduced photon and ion backflow to operate at larger gains and to ensure longer detector life-time.
In a multilayer structure of electron multipliers, the photons from the multiplication process cannot reach the photocathode and a good fraction of the ions is trapped in the intermediate layers. The signal is mainly due to the electron motion, namely its development is fast. GEM-based photon detectors coupled to semi transparent or reflective photocathodes have been proposed shortly after the introduction of the GEM concept. The threshold Cherenkov counter Hadron Blind Detector (HBD) of the PHENIX experiment at BNL RHIC represents the first application of these ideas, even if high gain is not required in a threshold counter.
THich GEMs (THGEM), introduced in parallel by several groups about ten years ago, are electron multipliers derived from the GEM design, by scaling the geometrical parameters and changing the production technology. Large gains and good rate capabilities have been reported for detectors with single or double THGEM layers. THGEMs can be produced in large series and large size at moderate cost with standard PCB technology, in spite of the large number of holes: some millions per square meter. THGEMs have intrinsic mechanical stiffness, and they are robust against damages produced by electrical discharges. Moreover, thanks to the reduced gaps between the multiplication stages, these detectors can be successfully used in magnetic field.
The basic architecture of the THGEM-based photon detector that we propose consists in multiple, typically triple, THGEM layers, where the top face of the first layer is coated with a CsI film and acts as a reflective photocathode. The electron multiplication takes place in the THGEM holes thanks to the dipole electric field obtained biasing the two PCB faces. A plane of drift wires defines the drift electric field above the first THGEM layer. The field between two THGEM layers acts as a transfer field; an induction field is applied between the bottom face of the last THGEM and the anode electrode. The signals are collected at the anode plane, formed by a PCB segmented in pads.
Our R&D studies performed using single and multiple THGEM arrangements to detect ionising particles or UV photons in laboratory and test beam exercises have been dedicated to explore the characteristics of the THGEM multipliers and the role of the various geometrical parameters, and to establish the guidelines towards the optimisation of the basic architecture. More than 50 different small size THGEM samples (30 x 30 mm2) have been characterised. The measurement campaigns have been accompanied by simulation studies.
The main outcomes are summarised in the following.
• The rim is the clearance ring around the holes. The THGEM maximum gain is increased by more than an order of magnitude by adopting large rims, namely annulus width of the order of 100 μm. These THGEMs exhibit relevant gain dependence versus rate and over time. These gain variations are absent or negligible for no rim or small rim THGEMs. On the basis of these facts, we have selected THGEM with the minimum rim imposed by the production technology to remove the drilling residuals at the hole edge, namely annulus width smaller than 10 μm.
• The large gains ensured by sizable rims can be recovered by increasing the THGEM thickness up to 0.8-1 mm: these thickness-values are ideal for the second and third THGEM layers.
• The time response is satisfactory: the typical resolution obtained with THGEM-AGPs is 7 ns r.m.s..
• Concerning photoelectron extraction efficiency from the CsI photoconverting layer, it is clearly established that the effective extraction rate depends on the gas atmosphere in the detector and requires an electric field ≥ 1000 V/cm at the photocathode surface. At the THGEM surface, the electric field is dominated by the THGEM bias and it has a minimum at the critical point, namely the centre of the equilateral triangle, which is the unit cell of the THGEM pattern. Higher electric fields at the critical point can be obtained by reducing the THGEM thickness and values around 0.3-0.4 mm are selected: this is the thickness suggested for the photocathode THGEM.
• Photon backflow from the multiplication region to the photocathode plane is almost totally suppressed; ion backflow rate depend on the geometry details; in prototypes with staggered hole alignment it is lower than 10 %.
• Triple THGEM configurations can provide gains up to 106 when detecting single photoelectrons; the gain has to be reduced in radioactive environments. This gain reduction is made less severe by applying appropriate voltage bias in front of the photocathode to suppress the ionising particle signal: the novel detectors can operate at gains at least one order of magnitude larger than the present ones.
In conclusion, the THGEM-based photon detectors can satisfy all the requirements posed to overcome the limitation of the present gaseous photon detectors.
In parallel with establishing the detector principle, the engineering towards large-size counters is ongoing. An essential goal of the project is to provide large size detectors with minimal dead zones while preserving the optimised characteristics obtained within the R&D studies. Some samples of good quality large size THGEMs (600 x 600 mm2) have been produced proving the feasibility of large boards. The voltages applied to the electrodes can be as high as 8 kV. Minimum dead zones can be obtained with an accurate mechanical design and the correct choice of the materials for the detector vessel, and appropriate HV distribution to the many electrodes. The goal is a dead area below 10%. An intermediate size detector with 300 x 300 mm2 active surface satisfying this prescription has been successfully operated.
Recently a new hybrid approach has been considered: an architecture where the last multiplication stage is obtained by using a Micromegas arrangement. Stable operation at large gain (> 106) has been obtained detecting single photons. The hydrid detector has recently been characterized.
The R&D studies and the engineering aspects are summarised; the characterization of the hybrid architecture prototypes is also reported.
Primary Authors:
LEVORATO, Stefano (INFN Trieste) <stefano.levorato(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to BADALOV, Alexey:
Dear Alexey Badalov,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: BADALOV, Alexey
Submitted on: 01 February 2014 05:44
Title: Gaudi GPU Manager
Abstract content
During the second long shutdown in 2017, the beam will undergo an intensity increase. This will place an increased load on the hardware, necessitating an upgrade. One potentially very cost-effective way to add computational power would be to replace some of the CPU cores with graphics processing units or other modern many-core hardware.
A number of people is currently working on GPU versions of algorithms used for tracking and reconstruction. We focus on the infrastructure required to integrate these algorithms with the computational framework used at LHCb. We describe the challenges standing in the way of tapping massively parallel computation and our accomplishments in overcoming them.
Primary Authors:
BADALOV, Alexey (University of Barcelona (ES)) <alexey.badalov(a)>
CAMPORA PEREZ, Daniel Hugo (CERN) <daniel.hugo.campora.perez(a)>
VILASIS CARDONA, Xavier (University of Barcelona (ES)) <xavier.vilasis.cardona(a)>
NEUFELD, Niko (CERN) <niko.neufeld(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to Prof. GAN, Kock Kiam:
Dear Kock Kiam Gan,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted:
Status of your abstract:
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: Prof. GAN, Kock Kiam
Submitted on: 01 February 2014 04:08
Title: 10 Gb/s Radiation-Hard VCSEL Array Driver
Abstract content
Planned upgrades to the LHC at CERN will increase its energy and luminosity. These advancements will require increasing the optical data communication bandwidth to fully exploit the accelerator and detector upgrades. This require much increased per-fiber output data rates of up to 10 Gb/s. While 10 Gb/s optical links are mature in industry, as yet there are none that have sufficient radiation hardness for the most challenging HEP deployments. We will present results from an R&D project to produce a radiation-hard VCSEL driver ASIC capable of 10 Gb/s operation per-channel. Commercial VCSEL arrays operating at 10 Gb/s are now readily available and have been proven to be radiation-hard in previous studies. Thus, the ultimate goal of the R&D is to develop an ASIC that contains a 12-channel array of 10 Gb/s VCSEL drivers. However, at this stage in our R&D we are targeting fabrication of a preliminary four-channel test chip in a 65 nm CMOS process. The four channels in the ASIC will be used to qualify the performance and radiation hardness of different driver topologies before settling on a preferred topology for the 12-channel ASIC. The ASIC will include an 8-bit DAC and band gap reference to be used for remotely controlling the VCSEL bias and modulation currents. We will present the circuit designs of the four-driver topologies included within the ASIC along with results from extracted layout simulations.
Primary Authors:
Prof. GAN, Kock Kiam (Ohio State University (US)) <gan(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Prof. GAN, Kock Kiam
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Data-processing: 3c) Embedded software
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: Oral presentation is requested in order to be authorized for