Dear Niels,
I am sorry for the extra trouble I caused. I located my password and was able to submit. In case of any troubles, I attach the files here just in case. I met the 8 page limit in the PDF, so I think this should be fine, but in the word file , I some how cannot delete the last empty page.
Best regards
Dear Niels, dear organizers of the TIPP14
The deadline for proceedings submission is tomorrow, and unfortunately I cannot find the password that i need to access to my author's page. If worst case I cannot locate it at all, may I send my transcript to you instead? Please help me, it is the deadline, and I am rather in a desperate situation.
Best regards
Dear Jacqueline Yan,
We are pleased to inform you that your contribution: Measurement of nm Electron Beam Sizes using Laser Interference by Shintake Monitor has been accepted for an Oral presentation in the track Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades.
We are looking forward to see you in Amsterdam,
Niels van Bakel, On behalf of the track conveners and the local organizing committee