Dear CAs, Relying Parties, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.37 available
2. Distribution format changes in the wake of OpenSSL version 1
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.37 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the EUGridPMA, based
on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It includes the newly
accredited Authorities by all IGTF Members and retires expiring CA
certificates. This is version 1.37, release 1, and it is now available for
download from the Repository (and mirrors) at
(traditional format)
(new format)
*** note that the default format will change in the next release 1.38 ***
Changes from 1.36 to 1.37
(27 September 2010)
* Added accredited classic TERENA eScience SSL CA and hierarchy (EU)
* Discontinued NGO-Netrust CA (SG)
* The OpenSSL1 compliant format no longer adds symlinks for info metadata
(such references would result in multiple downloads of the same CRL data
when used with FetchCRL3)
* Corrected typo errors in namespaces file for AAACertificateServices (EU)
* Added CILogon CAs in experimental area (US)
This 1.38 release has been built with RPM version and Java 1.6.
If you part of a coordinated-deployment project (such as a national
grid initiative, EGI, OSG, PRACE, DEISA, NAREGI or others) you may want to
await your project announcement before installing this release.
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
Next Release
The next release of the distribution is expected in November 2010.
2. Distribution format changes in the wake of OpenSSL version 1
This 1.37 distribution comes in two (2) formats. The primary format
for this 1.37 release is the 'current' one, which has no material
changes. The upcoming format is also available at:
and supports also OpenSSL v1 and is designed to be backwards compatible
with the current distribution format.
In the next release (1.38), the 'default' distribution will change to
the new format and the current format will be depricated and only
available via a special URL. The default download location
will then point to the new-format distribution.
Releases after 1.39 (Early 2011) may withdraw this then-depricated
format and from then on only the 'new' format will be distributed.
For more information, please refer to the February 15th newsletter:
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe,
refer to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file containes important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.