Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.93 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.93 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.93 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.92 to 1.93
(24 Sep 2018)
* Updated contact information for HellasGrid-CA (GR)
* Removed superseded IGCA CA (IN)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when the
trust anchor distribution has materially been updated. The currently-
estimated next release of the distribution will be on Oct 29th, 2018.
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by infrastructure-specific
releases. If changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP programme **
** Visiting address: Science Park 105 room H1.50, NL 1098 XG Amsterdam NL **
** Phone: +31 20 5922179, dlg, Signal: +31646812179 **
** PGP: 0xD80134C2 308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.92 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.92 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.92 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.91 to 1.92
(25 Jun 2018)
* Added HKU CA 2 trust anchor during ker rollover period (HK)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when the
trust anchor distribution has materially been updated. The currently-
estimated next release of the distribution will be on Aug 27th, 2018.
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by infrastructure-specific
releases. If changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP programme **
** Visiting address: Science Park 105 room H1.50, NL 1098 XG Amsterdam NL **
** Phone: +31 20 5922179, dlg, Signal: +31646812179 **
** PGP: 0xD80134C2 308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.91 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.91 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.91 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.90 to 1.91
(14 May 2018)
* Updated MREN CA with extended validity period (ME)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when the
trust anchor distribution has been updated substantially. The currently-
estimated next release of the distribution will be on Apr 30th, 2018
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by a infrastructure-specific
release. If the changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP programme **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
** PGP: 0xD80134C2 308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.90 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.90 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.90 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.89 to 1.90
(26 March 2018)
* Added new Grid-FR hierarchy for Renater (AC-GRID-FR series) (FR)
* Added new GARUDAINDIA2 root for key roll-over IGCA (IN)
* Updated contact metadata for UNAM trust anchors (MX)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when the
trust anchor distribution has been updated substantially. The currently-
estimated next release of the distribution will be on Apr 30th, 2018
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by a infrastructure-specific
release. If the changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP programme **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
** PGP: 0xD80134C2 308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 08:30:00 +0200`
Subject: Updated IGTF distribution 1.89 - updated trust anchors
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.89 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.89 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.89 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.88 to 1.89
(8 January 2018)
* Discontinued expiring UGRID (2008) root CA (UA)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when the
trust anchor distribution has been updated substantially. The currently-
estimated next release of the distribution will be on Feb 5th, 2018
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by a infrastructure-specific
release. If the changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP programme **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
** PGP: 0xD80134C2 308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.88 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.88 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.88 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.87 to 1.88
(27 November 2017)
* updated UKeScience 2B ICA based on a SHA-2 family digest (UK)
* added new PKIUNAMgrid (2017) trust anchor for roll-over (MX)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when the
trust anchor distribution has been updated substantially. HOWEVER, the
currently-estimated next release of the distribution will be on
January 8th, 2018
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by a infrastructure-specific
release. If the changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP(ACR) group **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
** PGP: 0xD80134C2 308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.87 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.87 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.87 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.86 to 1.87
(30 October 2017)
* added new accredited classic DarkMatter Private Root G4 and ICA (AE)
* updated PK-Grid-2007 trust anchor with extended validity period (PK)
* extended validity period for UNAMgrid-ca trust anchor (MX)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when
the trust anchor distribution has been updated substantially. The
currently-estimated next release date of the distribution is in the
beginning on January 2018.
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by a infrastructure-specific
release. If the changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP/ACR group **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
** New PGP key: 0x308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.86 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.86 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.86 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.85 to 1.86
(9 October 2017)
* updated MaGrid CA with extended validity period (MA)
* removed discontinued pkIRISGrid CA (ES)
* discontinued depricated yum v2 and rpm-apt package management support
(only affects yum installs on RHEL/CentOS 2&3, Fedora Core 1-3, and bespoke
support for installing RPM packages using APT for pre-2006 RedHat systems)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when
the trust anchor distribution has been updated substantially. The
currently-estimated next release date of the distribution is at the
end of November 2017.
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by a infrastructure-specific
release. If the changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP/ACR group **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
** New PGP key: 0x308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.85 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.85 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.85 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.84 to 1.85
(31 July 2017)
* Updated URL domain information for CyGrid (CY)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when
the trust anchor distribution has been updated substantially. The
currently-estimated next release date of the distribution is at the
end of September 2017.
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by a infrastructure-specific
release. If the changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP/ACR group **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
** New PGP key: 0x308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **
Dear Relying Parties, Authorities, Users, and all others interested,
In this announcement of the IGTF:
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.84 available
1. Updated IGTF distribution version 1.84 available
A new distribution of Accredited Authorities by the Interoperable Global
Trust Federation, based on the IGTF Common Source, is now available. It
includes the newly accredited Authorities and retires expiring trust
This is version 1.84 release 1 and it is now available for download from
the Repository (and mirrors) at
Changes from 1.83 to 1.84
(26 June 2017)
* Updated ROSA root certificate with extended 20yr valitity (RO)
* Updated contact details for CyGrid CA following transition to CYNET (CY)
* Removed obsoleted KISTI-2007 trust anchor - replaced by KISTIv3 (KR)
* Removed expiring LACGrid trust anchor a9082267 (BR)
* Added UK Pathfinder AAAI CA 1 to unaccredited (misc) area (UK)
Next Release
Releases are usually done on the last Monday of the month, only when
the trust anchor distribution has been updated substantially. The
currently-estimated next release date of the distribution is at the
end of July 2017.
Use in coordinated-deployment infrastructures
If you are part of a coordinated-deployment infrastructure (e.g. a national
or regional e-Infrastructure, EGI, OSG, PRACE-RI, NAREGI or others) you may
want to await their announcement before installing the release. They could
include localised adaptations. For reference we include the links below:
Open Science Grid
Not all IGTF releases are necessarily accompanied by a infrastructure-specific
release. If the changes in the IGTF distribution do not materially impact the
distribution of the relying party, no associated release may be done, nor is
there a reason to update such a distribution.
Supplementary download locations
The download repository is also mirrored by the APGridPMA at
and by the EUGridPMA at
Where possible validate trust anchors with the GEANT TACAR Repository
About this news letter
This newsletter carries IGTF information intended for relying parties.
For more information about this newsletter and how to subscribe, refer
to the EUGridPMA web site at
| For information on the IGTF Distribution, how to use it and what is |
| contains, please read the information at |
| |
| |
| This file contains important information for new users and should be |
| read before installing this Distribution. |
If you have suggestions or improvements for the distribution format,
to have it better suit your needs, please contact the EUGridPMA PMA at
<info(a)> or your Regional Policy Management Authority. See
the IGTF web site ( for further information.
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, PDP/ACR group **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
** New PGP key: 0x308E076A FP: 2facebea12803ba145685a21d80134c2308e076a **