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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: ANTONELLO, Maddalena
Submitted on: 26 February 2014 11:10
Title: Light-yield results of 1 liter liquid argon scintillation
detector based on Silicon Photo Multipliers operating at cryogenic
Abstract content
We present the results obtained with a liquid argon scintillation
detector with light read-out completely based on SiPM. We used a 1 liter PTFE chamber observed by an array of 7 large area SiPMs (Hamamatsu S11828-3344M) covering about the 4% of the internal surface. The chamber is lined with a reflective foil (VIKUITI) evaporated with a
wavelength shifter (TetraPhenyl Butadiene). This solution allows to convert the UV photons to the visible band, thus matching the SiPM sensitivity window while maximizing light collection.
The measured light-yield is comparable with the highest light-yield values obtained in similar conditions using standard 3" cryogenic PMT's (Hamamatsu R11065) for a 3 times higher photo-cathodic coverage. The present result, combined with the other well known intrinsic SiPM advantages (compact design, contained costs, low bias voltage,… ) represents a step forward in the confirmation of the SiPM technology as a real alternative to standard PMT-based read-out systems for application in cryogenic noble liquid detectors.
Primary Authors:
Dr. ANTONELLO, Maddalena (INFN) <maddalena.antonello(a)>
CANCI, Nicola (INFN-LNGS) <nicola.canci(a)>
MACHADO, Ana Amelia (INFN - LNGS) <ana.machado(a)>
SEGRETO, Ettore (INFN) <ettore.segreto(a)>
Dr. VIGNOLI, Chiara (INFN-LNGS) <chiara.vignoli(a)>
Dr. BONFINI, Giuseppe (INFN-LNGS) <bonfini(a)>
Dr. CANDELA, Attanasio (INFN-LNGS) <attanasio.candela(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to ARAUJO, Henrique:
Dear Henrique Araujo,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: ARAUJO, Henrique
Submitted on: 26 February 2014 11:00
Title: The LZ dark matter search
Abstract content
The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment is a next-generation search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, scaling the very successful double-phase xenon technology to multi-tonne target mass. LZ will be deployed at the 4850-ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (South Dakota, USA) after completion of LUX, which is presently operating there. At its core, LZ will feature a 7-tonne (active) liquid xenon TPC surrounded by two ‘veto’ detectors. Particle interactions in the WIMP target generate two signatures: prompt scintillation light and ionisation charge, the latter transduced to a pulse of electroluminescence light in a thin gaseous layer above the liquid. Our strategy is to mitigate radiogenic backgrounds from detector materials through a combination of self-shielding, precise vertex location, coincidence vetoing, and xenon purification – to expose a uniform background from astrophysical neutrinos. Electron recoils from solar pp neutrino scattering can be mostly discriminated by the ratio of the two signatures, which differs from that for nuclear recoil interactions expected from WIMPs. We present the project status and the sensitivity reach of this exciting instrument due to start construction soon.
Primary Authors:
ARAUJO, Henrique (Imperial College London) <h.araujo(a)>
Abstract presenters:
ARAUJO, Henrique
Track classification:
Experiments: 2d) Dark Matter Detectors
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to FUKUDA, Yoshiyuki:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: FUKUDA, Yoshiyuki
Submitted on: 26 February 2014 10:34
Title: Development of liquid scintillator containing zirconium complex
for neutrinoless double beta decay experiment
Abstract content
An organic liquid scintillator containing zirconium complex was studied for neutrinosless double beta decay experiment. A $^{96}$Zr nuclei has a large Q-value (3.35MeV), and no experiment is planned to use as a target. In order to realize ton scale target isotope with good energy resolution (4\%(a)2.5MeV), we have used zirconium beta-diketon complex which has huge solubility (over 10w.t.\%) to the Anisole. However, the absorption wavelength of diketon ligand overlaps with the luminescence from Anisole. Therefore, the light yield of liquid scintillator decreased in proportion to the concentration of beta-diketon complex. In order to avoid this problem, we synthesized beta-keto ester complex introducing -OC3H7 or -OC2H5 substituent groups in the beta-diketon complex. These complexes have shorter absorption wavelength (245nm) than the emission wavelength of Anisole (275nm). The scintillation light yield recoverd about double, however, did not reach at the expected value, because the residual absorption around the 275nm still exists. We found those were caused by the imprities of beta-keto ester complex and it will be solved by thr purifying the complex. Now we have also found that a diethyl malonate ligands shifted the absorption peak to around 210nm, and the complex will have no quenching for the Anisole based liquid scintillator. Here we will report the present status.
Primary Authors:
Prof. FUKUDA, Yoshiyuki (Depertment of Physics, Miyagi University of Education) <fukuda(a)>
Prof. MORIYAMA, Shigetaka (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo) <moriyama(a)>
Prof. OGAWA, Izumi (Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University) <ogawa(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Prof. FUKUDA, Yoshiyuki
Track classification:
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to KIM, Myungsoo:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: KIM, Myungsoo
Submitted on: 26 February 2014 06:58
Title: The upside-down structure for X-ray imaging
Abstract content
Typical in-direct X-ray image sensor have used a upper scientillator, which is like CsI(Tl) or Gd2O2S. In soft X-ray imaging for mammography, most of X-ray Energy is absorbed a surface of scientillator. Thus, MTF and sensitivity of image sensor can be decreased. In our study, we adapted a upside-down structure, which has bottom sided scientillator of image sensor. In MCNP and LightTools simulation, light output and spatial resolution is increased more than 15%. The test is being set in our places and finished before the conference. The test chip have been fabricated in 0.18um 1P3M process.
Primary Authors:
Mr. MYUNGSOO, Kim (KAIST) <myungsoo(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Presentation type: Poster
The following email has been sent to GUIDA, Roberto:
Dear Roberto Guida,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: GUIDA, Roberto
Submitted on: 25 February 2014 22:05
Title: CERN-GIF++: a new irradiation facility to test large-area
particle detectors for the high-luminosity LHC program
Abstract content
The high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade is setting a new challenge for particle detector technologies. The increase in luminosity will produce a higher particle background with respect to present conditions. Performance and stability of detectors at LHC and future upgrade systems will remain the subject of extensive studies. The current CERN-Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF) has been intensively used to simultaneously expose detectors to the photons from a 137Cesium source and to high energy particles from the X5 beam line in SPS West Area for many years. From 2004 onwards, only the 137Cesium source is available for irradiations and the shutdown of the present facility is scheduled for the end of 2014.
The present contribution describes a joint project between CERN-EN and CERN-PH departments to design and build the new CERN GIF++ facility. GIF++ will be a unique place where high energy charged particle beams (mainly muon beam with momentum up to 100 GeV/c) are combined with a 14 TBq 137Cesium source. The higher source activity will produce a background gamma field which is a factor 30 more intense than that at GIF, allowing to cumulate doses equivalent to HL-LHC experimental conditions in a reasonable time.
The 100 m2 GIF++ irradiation bunker has two independent irradiation zones making it possible to test real size detectors, of up to several m2, as well as a broad range of smaller prototype detectors and electronic components. The photon flux of each irradiation zone will be tuned using a set of Lead filters with attenuation factors from zero to 50000.
Flexible services and infrastructure including electronic racks, gas systems, radiation and environmental monitoring systems, and ample preparation zone will allow time effective installation of detectors.
A dedicated control system will provide the overview of the status of the facility and archive relevant information.
The collaboration between CERN and the users’ detector community, the latter providing detector specific infrastructures within the framework of the FP7 AIDA project, will bring the new facility to operation by the end of 2014.
Primary Authors:
GUIDA, Roberto (CERN) <roberto.guida(a)>
GIF++, Collaboration (CERN) <gif++collaboration(a)>
Abstract presenters:
GIF++, Collaboration
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to KRIEGER, Peter:
Dear Peter Krieger,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: KRIEGER, Peter
Submitted on: 25 February 2014 19:17
Title: Irradiation tests and expected performance of readout
electronics of the ATLAS hadronic endcap calorimeter for the HL-LHC
Abstract content
At the proposed high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) the readout electronics of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter (HEC) will have to withstand a much harsher radiation environment than is present at the LHC design luminosity. The heart of HEC read-out electronics is the pre-amplifier and summing (PAS) system, which is realized in GaAs ASIC technology. These PAS devices are installed inside the LAr cryostats, directly on the detector. They have been proven to operate reliably in LHC conditions up to an integrated luminosity of 1000 fb$^{-1}$, including safety factors. However, at the HL-LHC a total integrated luminosity of 3000 fb$^{-1}$ is expected, which corresponds to an increase of a factor of 3-5 in the expected radiation levels. On top of this, a safety factor of at least 2 needs to be accounted for to reflect our confidence in the background rate simulations.
Samples of the GaAs ASIC have therefore been exposed to neutron and proton radiation with integrated fluences in excess of 4x10$^{15}$ n/cm$^2$ and 2.6x10$^{14}$ p/cm$^2$, several times the levels expected for ten years of HL-LHC running. In-situ measurements of S-parameters allow the evaluation of frequency-dependent performance parameters, like gain and input impedance. The non-linearity of the ASIC response has been measured both at warm and at cold, i.e. at LAr temperatures. This allows an improved estimation of the expected degradation of the HEC performance. The measured gain and non-linearity of the ASIC response have been applied to Monte-Carlo simulations in order to understand their effects on jet measurements in HL-LHC conditions.
Primary Authors:
KRIEGER, Peter (University of Toronto (CA)) <krieger(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Presentation type: Oral
Comments: I am submitting this abstract on behalf of the ATLAS Liquid
Argon Calorimeter group, in my role as the Chair of our speakers
committee. I have listed myself as the presenter, above, since this
is necessary for the abstract submission. The actual speaker will
be identified when / if the abstract is accepted. Please let me
know if this poses any problems. For the track classification, I
have selected two, but we would prefer this to be in the
Experiments & Upgrades session. The main issue is the performance
degradation studies, which are based on the results of irradiation
testing of the current readout electronics.
The following email has been sent to NERI, Nicola:
Dear Nicola Neri,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: NERI, Nicola
Submitted on: 25 February 2014 18:33
Title: First prototype of a silicon tracker using an 'artificial
retina' for fast track finding
Abstract content
We report on the R&D for a first prototype of a silicon tracker with trigger capabilities based on a novel approach for fast track finding. The working principle is inspired from neurobiology, in particular by the processing of visual images by the brain as it happens in nature. It is based on extensive parallelization of data distribution and pattern recognition. In this work we report on the design of a practical device that consist of a telescope based on single-sided silicon detectors; we describe the data acquisition system and the implementation of the track finding algorithms using available digital logic of commercial FPGA devices. Tracking performance and trigger capabilities of the device are discussed along with perspectives for future applications.
Primary Authors:
NERI, Nicola (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)) <nicola.neri(a)>
ABBA, Andrea (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)) <andrea.abba(a)>
CITTERIO, Mauro (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)) <mauro.citterio(a)>
MARINO, Pietro (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <pietro.marino(a)>
MORELLO, Michael Joseph (SNS and INFN-Pisa) <michael.joseph.morello(a)>
PUNZI, Giovanni (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <giovanni.punzi(a)>
RISTORI, Luciano (INFN and Fermilab) <luciano(a)>
SPINELLA, Franco (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <franco.spinella(a)>
STRACKA, Simone (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <simone.stracka(a)>
TONELLI, Diego (CERN) <diego.tonelli(a)>
WALSH, John (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <john.walsh(a)>
PETRUZZO, Marco (Universita' di Milano & INFN Milano) <marco.petruzzo(a)>
Dr. CAPONIO, Francesco (INFN Milano) <francesco.caponio(a)>
Prof. GERACI, Angelo (Politecnico di Milano & INFN Milano) <angelo.geraci(a)>
COELLI, Simone (INFN Milano) <simone.coelli(a)>
MONTI, Mauro (INFN Milano) <mauro.monti(a)>
PIUCCIO, Alessio (Unversita' di Pisa & INFN Pisa) <alessio.piuccio(a)>
Abstract presenters:
NERI, Nicola
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to MOLLO, Carlos Maximiliano:
Dear Carlos Maximiliano Mollo,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: MOLLO, Carlos Maximiliano
Submitted on: 25 February 2014 17:09
Title: feasibility study of a 3-inch Vacuum Silicon Photo Multiplier
Abstract content
The Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube (VSiPMT) is an innovative design that we proposed for the first time at the 11th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD08) in Siena, triggering deep discussions on the feasibility of the device itself and on the convenience of such an idea. The basic idea is to replace the classical dynode chain of a PMT with a SiPM, which acts as an electron multiplying detector. Such a solution will match the goal of a large photocathode sensitive area with the performances of a SiPM. In this work we will present the feasibility study of a 3-inch VSiPMT. The work was based mainly on the electron beam focus on the SiPM surface. As will be shown, the linearity and the efficiency of the VSiPMT can be affected by poor electron focusing on the MPPC. For this reason, the focusing system requires special attention with the respect of classical PMTs. It will be presented COMSOL simulations of a possible solution for the electron beam focusing trying to keep the external dimensions of the device similar to those of a classical 3-inch PMT.
A feasibility study of a 3-inch Vacuum Silicon Photo Multiplier Tube Introduction
The Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube (VSiPMT) is an innovative design that we propose the first time at the 11th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD08) in Siena, triggering deep discussions on the feasibility of the device itself and on the convenience of such an idea.
The basic idea is to replace the classical dynode chain of a PMT with a SiPM, which acts as an electron multiplying detector. Such a solution will match the goal of a large photocathode sensitive area with the performances of a SiPM. This will lead to many advantages such as lower power consumption, mild sensitivity to magnetic fields and high quantum efficiency. The feasibility of this idea has been thoroughly studied both from a theoretical and experimental point of view. As a first step we performed the full characterization of a special non-windowed Hamamatsu MPPC with a laser source. The response of the SiPM to an electron beam was studied as a function of the energy and of the incident angle by means of a Geant4-based simulation. After this firsts results Hamamatsu accepted to considered the idea and built, expressly for us, two prototypes for testing purposes. In this work, we present some results of the full characterization of the first two prototypes of VSiPMT.
Both devices exhibit very attractive features, such as low power consumption, weak sensitivity to magnetic fields, high resolution in the pulses height giving so excellent photon counting capability.
owever, the two prototypes made by Hamamatsu presents a photocathode of only 3 mm in diameter. In order, for these innovative devices, to be competitive, compared to traditional PMT (e.g. in areas such as underwater neutrino telescopes or dark matter search experiments), it was necessary to study the feasibility of a 3-inch VSiPMT. This study was based mainly on the electron beam focus on the SiPM surface.
As will be shown, the linearity and the efficiency of the VSiPMT can be affected by poor electron focusing on the MPPC. For this reason, the focusing system requires special attention with the respect of classical PMTs.
Will be present COMSOL simulations (figure 3) of a possible solution for the electron beam focusing trying to keep the external dimensions of the device similar to those of a classical 3-inch PMT.
We are confident that the realization of the VSiPMT will start a revolutionary generation of photo- detectors for near‐future applications. Moreover, fields like medical equipment, physical checkup and diagnosis (e.g. Radioimmunoassay and Enzyme immunoassay), biomedicine, environmental measurement equipment, oil well logging, all will require further improvements in photon detection performances, as linearity, gain, quantum efficiency improvement and single photon counting capability. We believe that the proposed device has the potential to fulfill these requirements.
Primary Authors:
MOLLO, Carlos Maximiliano (INFN) <maximil(a)>
Abstract presenters:
MOLLO, Carlos Maximiliano
Track classification:
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to VIVOLO, Daniele:
Dear Daniele Vivolo,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: VIVOLO, Daniele
Submitted on: 25 February 2014 16:36
Title: Test on VSiPMT prototypes
Abstract content
Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube (VSiPMT) is an innovative photodetector based on the combination of SiPM and PMT technologies. The basic idea consists in replacing the classical dynode chain of a PhotoMultiplier Tube with a SiPM.
Such a design was proposed by our group in order to match the goal of a large photocathode sensitive area with the unrivalled photon counting performances of SiPMs. Moreover, much more improvements with respect to the standard PMT technology are expected to be obtained by VSiPMTs. First of all, the absence of the standard dynode chain will lead to avoid using voltage dividers and, hence, to a much lower power consumption. Transit Time Spread is expected to be sensibly reduced, since there will be no dynode chain spread, while Single Photoelectron resolution and gain stability will be much improved.
In the proposed configuration, the SiPM acts as an electron multiplying detector. Therefore, the proof of feasibility of VSiPMT has required a thorough study both from a theoretical and experimental point of view.
The extremely encouraging results obtained by our group led us to a new, advanced phase, consisting in the test of some VSiPMT prototypes realized by Hamamatsu.
Our results show that VSiPMT prototypes performances go far beyond our expectations, thus charting the course for the development of an unrivalled innovative photon detection technology.
In the present work we will describe accurately the results of our tests on Hamamatsu prototypes and we will show our studies and our purposes for the optimization of the device.
The detection of (single) photons is an essential experimental tool for a wide range of research areas. To date, in astroparticle physics experiments based on Cherenkov detectors a crucial role has been played by photomultiplier tubes. PMT technology has been improved continuously in the last years: the quantum efficiency of the photocathode has now reached a level of 40%, close to the theoretical maximum; single photon sensitivity and time resolution have been improved by a careful design of electrostatic focusing on the 1st dynode; with new coatings the secondary electron yield of dynodes has greatly improved, reducing the required number of dynodes and their size. Nevertheless standard photomultiplier tubes suffer the following drawbacks:
• fluctuations in the first dynode gain make single photon counting difficult;
• linearity is strongly related to the gain and decreases as the latter increases;
• transit time spreads over large fluctuations;
• mechanical structure is complex, voluminous, rather massive and expensive;
• they are sensitive to magnetic fields.
Moreover, in low background experiments the radioactivity of the photomultiplier components is a key concern. In fact, in many applications PMTs can dominate the total radioactivity of the detector. A significant effort is being made by manufacturers and research teams in order to reduce the background from photomultiplier tubes by rigorous choice of the raw materials used for all components. However, significant traces of radioactive nuclei are encountered in the metal and ceramic parts of the electron multiplication system.
Hybrid photodetectors, not using dynode structures for amplification, are an attractive solution. In fact, in this type of device photoelectrons emerging from the photocathode are focused onto a silicon detector. As silicon is virtually free of radioactivity and the mass of the photodiode can be very small, the background from the inner part of the tube can be significantly reduced.
The Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube (VSiPMT) is an innovative photodetector based on the combination of SiPM and PMT technologies. The basic idea consists in replacing
the classical dynode chain of a PhotoMultiplier Tube with a SiPM.
Such a design was proposed by our group in order to match the goal of a large photocathode sensitive area with the unrivalled photon counting performances of SiPMs.
Moreover, much more improvements with respect to the standard PMT technology are expected to be obtained by VSiPMTs. First of all, the absence of the standard dynode chain will lead to avoid using voltage dividers and, hence, to a much lower power consumption. Transit Time Spread is expected to be sensibly reduced, since there will be no dynode chain spread, while Single Photoelectron resolution and gain stability will be much improved.
Differently from standard hybrids based on APDs, in the VSiPMT the HV between the photocathode and the silicon device is limited to 2-4 kV. Moreover, this HV is needed for the transportation of the photoelectrons and to make them overcome the SiO2 coating layer covering the SiPM. Therefore, the photoelectrons need a much lower voltage to be detected by a SiPM. The multiplication given by the SiPM is independent of the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons, as the output signal of a SiPM is independent of the number of electrons/holes created by the photoelectron in the same cell and is instead proportional to the number of cells fired.
Several studies have been performed in last years by the INFN Napoli group on this subject. On the base of the very encouraging results obtained by our group, a first prototype of the VSiPMT has been developed in collaboration with Hamamatsu and tested in our labs.
The measured performances are extremely encouraging. The work function of the VSiPMT has been evaluated showing a good linearity with satisfactory gain output G=(3÷6)·105. This prototype showed extremely good photon counting capabilities thanks to the very good performance in terms of SPE resolution (<17%), peak-to-valley ratio (> 60) and Transit Time Spread (< 0.5 ns).
With an optimized design, the VSiPMT will exhibit several attractive features such as:
• excellent single photon detection;
• high gain;
• small electron amplification system size;
• negligible power consumption;
• low radioactivity background;
• weak dependence on magnetic fields;
• small price with respect to PMTs;
• good performance at low temperature.
In this work we will provide an accurate description of the prototypes and of the extremely encouraging results of our tests. Moreover, we will show our studies and our purposes for the optimization of the device.
Primary Authors:
VIVOLO, Daniele () <vivolo(a)>
Prof. BARBARINO, Giancarlo (Università degli studi di Napoli - Federico II and INFN Naples) <barbarino(a)>
Dr. BARBATO, Felicia Carla Tiziana (Università degli studi di Napoli - Federico II and INFN Naples) <barbato(a)>
DE ASMUNDIS, Riccardo (Universita e INFN (IT)) <>
DE ROSA, Gianfranca (INFN) <gianfranca.derosa(a)>
FIORILLO, Giuliana (Universita e INFN (IT)) <giuliana.fiorillo(a)>
MIGLIOZZI, Pasquale (Universita e INFN (IT)) <pasquale.migliozzi(a)>
MOLLO, Carlos Maximiliano (INFN) <maximil(a)>
ROSSI, Biagio (Laboratorium fuer Hochenergiephysik-Universitaet Bern-Unknown) <biagio.rossi(a)>
Abstract presenters:
VIVOLO, Daniele
Track classification:
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to KAGAN, Harris:
Dear Harris Kagan,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: KAGAN, Harris
Submitted on: 25 February 2014 15:39
Title: Recent results of diamond radiation tolerance
Abstract content
Progress in experimental particle physics in the coming decade depends crucially upon the ability to carry out experiments at high energies and high luminosities. These two conditions imply that future experiments will take place in very high radiation areas. In order to perform these complex and perhaps expensive experiments new radiation hard technologies will have to be developed. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond has been developed as a radiation tolerant material for use very close to the interaction region where detectors must operate in extreme radiation conditions. During the past few years many CVD diamond devices have been manufactured and tested. As a detector for high radiation environments CVD diamond benefits substantially from its radiation hardness, very low leakage current, low dielectric constant, fast signal collection and ability to operate at room temperature. As a result CVD diamond has now been used extensively in beam conditions monitors at every experiment in the LHC. In addition, CVD diamond is now being considered as a sensor material for particle tracking detectors closest to the interaction region where the most extreme radiation conditions exist. We will present the present state-of-the-art of polycrystalline CVD diamond and single crystal CVD diamond and the latest results on the radiation tolerance of these materials for a range of protons, pions and neutrons obtained from strip detectors constructed with these materials.
Primary Authors:
KAGAN, Harris (Ohio State University (US)) <harris.kagan(a)>
TRISCHUK, William (University of Toronto (CA)) <william.trischuk(a)>
OTHER, Members Of Rd42 (The RD42 Collaboration) <rd42(a)>
Abstract presenters:
KAGAN, Harris
OTHER, Members Of Rd42
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: Oral
Comments: If selected for presentation, the RD42 collaboration will
provide a speaker. Abstract submitted on behalf of the full
collaboration by the Spokespersons.