The following email has been sent to HAZEN, Eric Shearer:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: HAZEN, Eric Shearer
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 19:03
Title: The AMC13XG: A New Generation Clock/Timing/DAQ Module for CMS
Abstract content
The AMC13 provides clock, timing and DAQ service for many subdetectors
in the CMS experiment at CERN, as well as the muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab. The module hardware was recently upgraded to support 10 gigabit
optical fiber and backplane interfaces. New firmware is now under development
to support arbitrarily large event fragments from 12 AMC cards with up to 3
simultaneous output links operating at 10 gigabits. In addition, standard TCP/IP
protocol over 10 gigabit Ethernet may be used in addition to the CMS
S-Link express proprietary protocol.
Many of these modules are now
being installed in the CMS experiment during the current LHC shutdown.
We describe the implementation using Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGAs,
commissioning, production testing and integration in the CMS HCAL and
other subsystems.
Primary Authors:
HAZEN, Eric Shearer (Boston University (US)) <hazen(a)>
WU, Shouxiang (Boston University (US)) <wusx(a)>
ROHLF, James (Boston University (US)) <james.rohlf(a)>
ZOU, David (Boston University (US)) <dzou(a)>
HEISTER, Arno (Boston University (US)) <arno.heister(a)>
Abstract presenters:
HAZEN, Eric Shearer
ZOU, David
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: Oral
Comments: This presentation covers a solution for use of MicroTCA in
physics which is quite different from the MTCA.4 standard. The
abstract focuses on the AMC13 module, but the presentation could be
expanded to cover more broadly the use of non-MTCA.4 application of
MicroTCA in trigger and DAQ systems.
The following email has been sent to COONEY, Michael:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: COONEY, Michael
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 18:54
Title: A fast sampling, Wilkinson ADC for Cross Strip Microchannel
Plate Readout
Abstract content
To accurately reconstruct the charge cloud centroid from a microchannel plate (MCP) photon event with a cross strip anode readout, a fast sampling ADC is required. The digitization chip, HalfGraph, is an 8 channel, 12 bit Wilkinson based ADC manufactured on a 0.25um TSMC CMOS process. Each channel has 32 samples with 2048 addressable storage cells and over threshold triggering capability. The sampling speed is adjustable from 0.5 – 1 Giga-sample per second. Internal logic controlled via 3-bit data bus and internal DACs allow the ASIC to use a QFN64 package for high PCB density. The output data is transmitted off chip over high speed LVDS lines.
Primary Authors:
Dr. COONEY, Michael (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) <cooneym(a)>
Dr. VARNER, Gary (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) <varner(a)>
Mr. CUMMING, Harley (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) <harleys(a)>
Dr. SELJAK, Andrej (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) <andrejs(a)>
Dr. VALLERGA, John (University of California, Berkeley) <jvv(a)>
Mr. RAFFANTI, Rick (Techne Instruments) <rikraf(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. COONEY, Michael
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to PUNZI, Giovanni:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: PUNZI, Giovanni
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 18:48
Title: The brain as a trigger system
Abstract content
There are significant analogies between the issues related to real-time event selection in HEP, and the issues faced by the human visual system. In fact, the visual system needs to extract rapidly the most important elements of the external world from a large flux of information, for survival purposes. A rapid and reliable detection of visual stimuli is essential for triggering autonomic responses to emotive stimuli, for initiating adaptive behaviors and for orienting towards potentially interesting/ dangerous stimuli. The speed of visual processing can be as fast as 20 ms, about only 20 times the duration of the elementary information exchanges by the action potential.
The limitations to the brain capacity to process visual information, imposed by intrinsic energetic costs of neuronal activity, and ecological limits to the size of the skull, require a strong data reduction at an early stage, by creating a compact summary of relevant information, the so called “primal sketch”, to be handled by further levels of processing. This is quite similar to the problem of experimental HEP of providing fast data reduction at a reasonable monetary cost, and with a practical device size.
As a result of a joint effort of HEP physicists and practicing vision scientists, we recently found evidence that not only the problems are similar, but the solutions adopted in the two cases also have strong similarities, and their parallel study can actually shed light on each other.
Modeling the visual system as a trigger processor leads to a deeper understanding, and even very specific predictions of its functionality. Conversely, the insights gained from this new approach to vision, can lead to new ideas for enhancing the capabilities of artificial vision systems, and HEP trigger systems as well.
Primary Authors:
Mrs. DEL VIVA, Maria Michela (University of Florence, Italy) <michela(a)>
PUNZI, Giovanni (Pisa University and INFN) <giovanni.punzi(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Mrs. DEL VIVA, Maria Michela
Track classification:
Technology transfer: 5c) Biology&Material Science
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to COONEY, Michael:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: COONEY, Michael
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 18:46
Title: Design of a Low-Noise, Charge Sensitive Amplifier for MCP-PMT
Detector Readout
Abstract content
Readout of micro-channel plate detectors using cross strip anodes require low noise, fast charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) front-end electronics. The goal of this CSA project is to improve noise and shaping time from the "PreShape32" amplifier ASIC of the RD-20 collaboration at CERN, presently used in the readout system. A target noise of 100e- + 50e-/pF (<1000e- noise overall) with <100ns shaping time is desired. Overall gain should be better than 5mV/fC. Two amplifiers have been manufactured and tested (CSAv1 and CSAv2) with a third presently being designed. All have been designed using a 130nm IBM CMOS process.
Primary Authors:
Dr. COONEY, Michael (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) <cooneym(a)>
Dr. VARNER, Gary (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) <varner(a)>
Mr. CUMMING, Harley (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) <harleys(a)>
Dr. ANDREJ, Seljak (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) <andrejs(a)>
Dr. VALLERGA, John (University of California, Berkeley) <jvv(a)>
Mr. RAFFANTI, Rick (Techne Instruments) <rikraf(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. COONEY, Michael
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to PINZINO, Jacopo:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: PINZINO, Jacopo
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 18:38
Title: The CERN NA62 experiment: Trigger and Data Acquisition
Abstract content
The main goal of the NA62 experiment at CERN is to measure the Branching Ratio (BR) of the ultra-rare decay of a charged kaon into a charged pion and two neutrinos (K+→π+νν).
It aims to collect about 100 events in two years of data taking and to test the Standard Model of Particle Physics (SM), using the positive charged proton beam provided by SPS accelerator.
The key issues are readout uniformity of sub-detectors, scalability, efficient online selection and lossless high-rate readout. The TDCB and the TEL62 boards are the common blocks of the fully digital Trigger and Data Acquisition system (TDAQ) and they will be used for most sub-detectors in the high-flux rare decay experiment.
TDCBs measure hit times for sub-detectors, TEL62s process and store them in a buffer, extracting only those requested by the trigger system, which merges trigger primitives also produced by TEL62s.
The complete dataflow and firmware organization are described.
The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS aims at measuring the ultra-rare kaon decay K+ → π+νν as a highly sensitive test of the Standard Model (SM) and a search for New Physics.
The detection of this process is very challenging due to the smallness of the signal and the presence of a very large background, therefore a very low undetected DAQ inefficiency, below 10–8, is an important issue. NA62 aims to collect about 100 signal events in 2 years of running.
There are several detectors distributed before, along and after the 65 m long fiducial decay region: among the main ones GTK and STRAW are used for K+ and π+ tracking, CEDAR and RICH for particle identification while LAV, LKR and MUV to veto photons, positrons and muons.
A scintillator hodoscope (CHOD) acts as a fast timing and trigger device.
The devices used for this purpose are a general-purpose trigger and data acquisition board (TEL62) and its mezzanine cards (TDCB) hosting high-performance TDC chips.
The TDCB houses 4 HPTDC chips developed at CERN, each HPTDC provides 32 TDC channels operating in fully digital mode at 98 ps LSB resolution, with some internal buffering for multi-hit capability and a trigger-matching logic allowing the extraction of hits in selected time windows.
The TDCs produce two 32 bit-long words for each LVDS signal in each channel, one word for the time of the leading edge of the pulse and one for its trailing edge.
The data are then buffered before being read periodically by the on-board FPGA, which adds a time-stamp and a counter to the data stream and addresses it to the TEL62.
Several other features are implemented in the TDCB firmware, including a TDC data simulator for testing purposes, the possibility of triggering front-end board calibration signals through an output line and the controller for two on-board 2 MB SRAM memories usable for monitoring or online processing.
The TEL62, a highly-improved version of the TELL1 board developed by EPFL Lausanne for the LHCb experiment, is the main device of the NA62 TDAQ: about 100 cards will be installed on the experiment. The board architecture is based on a star topology: 4 “Pre-Processing” (PP) Altera FPGAs are connected to a single “Sync-Link” (SL) Altera FPGA. The 4 PPs are directly connected to the 4 mezzanines, for a total of 512 input channels. The amount of data arriving from the TDCs can be up to a few tens of MB/s per channel, depending on the sub-detector. Data are organized in packets, each one related to time frames of 6.4 us duration. The PP has the role of collecting and merging the data and later organizing them on the fly in a 2GB DDR2 memory, where each page is related to a single 6.4 us window. Inside the page data are packed using an optimized custom algorithm. Whenever a trigger arrives the data within a programmable number of 25 ns long time windows around the trigger timestamp are collected and sent to the SL. The data from the 4 PPs are merged and synchronized inside the SL, pre-processed and stored in a 1MB QDR SDRAM temporary buffer from which they are later extracted for formatting into data packets, which are sent through 4 Gigabit Ethernet links hosted on a custom daughter card to a computer farm that performs additional cuts and eventually writes events to permanent storage.
Some detectors don't use this common TDAQ system, like the Liquid Krypton (LKr) calorimeter and the silicon Gigatracker.
The Liquid Krypton calorimeter will be readout by Calorimeter REAdout Modules (CREAMs) which providing 40 MHz 14 bit sampling for all 13248 calorimeter channels, data buffering, optional zero suppression and programmable trigger sums for the L0 Lkr calorimeter trigger processor, also based on TEL62 boards.
The Gigatracker readout is based on the TDCpix ASIC designed to meet the requirements of the detector: the chip readout efficiency is expected to be larger than 99% and each of the readout hits needs to be time stamped with a resolution better than 200 ps rms.
The design rate for the Level 0 (L0) trigger output is below 1 MHz (with 1 ms latency). After L0, data are moved to PCs, and further trigger levels are implemented in software.
All electronic boards run on a common, centrally generated, free-running synchronous 40 MHz clock. The L0 trigger is fully digitally implemented, using the very same data which is subsequently read out, to avoid duplicating trigger and data acquisition branches and to allow accurate offline monitoring; a central trigger processor will asynchronously match the L0 trigger primitives generated with a good time resolution by a few fast sub-detectors, and dispatch a (synchronous) L0 signal to every board through the above mentioned clock distribution system.
The system has been extensively tested at the end of 2012 during a technical run at CERN.
The TALK board, a TEL62 multifunction daughter board, was used as L0 Trigger Processor (L0TP): it merges trigger primitives arriving from several subdetectors and sends trigger decisions back. The TALK board design was started by the need to provide a trigger interface between the TTC and the old NA48 trigger distribution system, in order to read the LKr calorimeter with the NA48 readout hardware during the technical run. Additional functions in the firmware have been added: driver for the calibration of the calorimeter, test bench controller for the characterization of the new CREAM boards for the LKr readout, and prototype of L0TP.
The prototype L0TP implements the logic to receive both triggers based on synchronous logic pulses and primitive packets generated by TEL62s, which are received through some of its five Ethernet channels. Communication with the PC is also done through an Ethernet interface. Besides the operation as a daughter board for the TEL62, a 6U VME frame to use the TALK board inside a VME crate was developed.
In normal running system operation is driven centrally by the TDAQ management system; L0
triggers are dispatched to sub-detectors by the L0TP, with its Local Trigger Unit (LTU), a slightly modified version of the ALICE LTU, that acts as transparent dispatcher of these triggers to the subdetector TTCex; the TTCex modules, built by CERN PH/ESE, do encode the clock and trigger signals onto optical fibres and send them to the readout modules.
Sub-detector data frames are sent to a farm of PCs for further data reduction.
Primary Authors:
PINZINO, Jacopo (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <jacopo.pinzino(a)>
FANTECHI, Riccardo (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <riccardo.fantechi(a)>
SOZZI, Marco (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <marco.sozzi(a)>
LAMANNA, Gianluca (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <gianluca.lamanna(a)>
VENDITTI, Stefano (CERN) <stefano.venditti(a)>
ANGELUCCI, Bruno (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <bruno.angelucci(a)>
SPINELLA, Franco (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <franco.spinella(a)>
PEDRESCHI, Elena (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <elena.pedreschi(a)>
PIANDANI, Roberto (Sezione di Pisa (IT)) <roberto.piandani(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: Oral
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Submitted on: 28 February 2014 18:22
Title: ORKA: The Golden Kaon Experiment. \\ Precision measurement of
$K^+\to\pi^+\nu \bar\nu$
Abstract content
The $K^+\to\pi^+\nu \bar\nu~$ decay is highly suppressed in the Standard Model (SM), while its rate can be
predicted with minimal theoretical uncertainty.
Precision measurement of the the branching ratio (BR) for this decay would be thus one of the most incisive probes
of quark flavor physics in the next years.\\
The primary sensitivity goal of the ORKA experiment is 1000 events at the SM level,
and a measurement of the BR with $∼5\%$ precision which is comparable to the
uncertainty of the SM prediction based on foreseeable improvements of the errors from the CKM matrix elements.\\
Measuring $K^+\to\pi^+\nu \bar\nu~$ decay at the $10^{-10}$ BR level represents a significant experimental challenge.
The weak signal signature of a $\pi^+$ and nothing else requires high-performance systems for precision tracking,
particle identification and photon vetoing. \\
In this talk we will discuss about detector and beam improvements needed to achieve an increased sensitivity
of two order of magnitude with respects to BNL experiments and we will describe the ongoing intense detector
$R\&D$ and simulation studies as well as opportunities for collaboration in the ORKA team.
On behalf of ORKA Collaboration.
Primary Authors:
Dr. MAZZACANE, Anna (Fermilab) <mazzacan(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to GORLA, Paolo:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: GORLA, Paolo
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 17:45
Title: Commissioning of the CUORE cryostat: the first experimental
setup for bolometric detectors at the 1 tonne scale
Abstract content
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is a 1-ton scale bolometric experiment. The CUORE detector is an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a cylindrical compact and granular structure of 19 towers. This will be by far the largest bolometric mass ever operated. These detectors will need a base temperature around 10 mK in order to meet the performance specifications. To cool the CUORE detector a large cryogenic-free cryostat with five pulse tubes and one specifically designed high-power dilution refrigerator has been designed. The cryostat (4K refrigerator with Pulse Tubes) and Dilution Unit were first tested independently and than merged together. We report here the detailed description of the cryostat for the CUORE experiment together with the results of the validation tests done in 2014.
Primary Authors:
CHOTT, Nicholas (University of South Carolina) <chott(a)>
Abstract presenters:
CHOTT, Nicholas
Track classification:
Emerging technologies: 4a) Cooling and cryogenics
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to MAPELLI, Alessandro:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: MAPELLI, Alessandro
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 17:36
Title: The Thermo-Mechanical Integration of the NA62 GigaTracKer
Abstract content
The NA62 collaboration will pioneer the use of on-detector microfluidic cooling systems with the implementation of silicon microchannel plates in the GigaTracKer (GTK) pixel detectors in the fall of 2014.
The cooling plates consist of 130 µm silicon substrates in which 150 microchannels are embedded. They have a rectangular cross-section of 70 x 200 µm and they cover an area of 45 x 60 mm to actively remove, with liquid C6F14, the power dissipated by the TDCPix readout ASICs bump-bonded to the backside of the GTK sensors. The microfluidic cooling plates are also at the core of the mechanical integration of the GTK system. They provide structural support to the sensor and TDCPix chips interfacing them to the read-out board.
After reviewing the design, prototyping, experimental characterization and validation of this cooling system, the paper will focus on the integration of the 3 GTK detector assemblies in the beam line of the NA62 experiment.
Primary Authors:
MAPELLI, Alessandro (CERN) <alessandro.mapelli(a)>
ROMAGNOLI, Giulia (Universita e INFN (IT)) <giulia.romagnoli(a)>
DEGRANGE, Jordan (CERN) <jordan.degrange(a)>
PETAGNA, Paolo (CERN) <paolo.petagna(a)>
MOREL, Michel (CERN) <michel.morel(a)>
Abstract presenters:
MAPELLI, Alessandro
Track classification:
Emerging technologies: 4a) Cooling and cryogenics
Presentation type: Oral
The following email has been sent to REAL, Diego:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: REAL, Diego
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 17:18
Title: Digital Optical Module Read-Out Electronics System of the
KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope
Abstract content
The KM3NeT collaboration aims at the construction of a neutrino
telescope with a volume of several cubic kilometres at the bottom of
the Mediterranean Sea. The telescope will consist in an array of
Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) that will detect the Cherenkov light
originated by the interaction of the neutrinos with the matter in the
proximity of the detector. In the present article it is presented the
read-out electronics of the DOM, composed of PMT bases, in charge of
converting the analogue signal produced in the 31 PMTs in a Low
Voltage Digital Signal (LVDS); the Octopus boards, that transfer the
LVDS signals from the PMT bases into the Central Logic Board (CLB);
the CLB, the most complex board of the read-out system, with 31 Time
to Digital Converters of 1 ns resolution and the White Rabbit protocol
embedded in the CLB Field Programmable Gate
Array, and the Power Board, that delivers all the power supplied need
by the DOM electronics. All the DOM read-out electronics system is
fully described in the present article.
Primary Authors:
REAL, Diego (IFIC) <real(a)>
MUSICO, Paolo (Universita e INFN (IT)) <paolo.musico(a)>
Mr. VAN DEN BERG, Ad (KVI) <berg(a)>
Mr. ORZELLI, Antonio (INFN Genova) <antonio.orzelli(a)>
Mr. KULIKOVSKIY, Vladimir (INFN Genova) <vladimir.kulikovskiy(a)>
Mr. CRESTA, Massimiliano (INFN Genova) <massimiliano.cresta(a)>
JANSWEIJER, Peter Paul Maarten (NIKHEF (NL)) <peterj(a)>
WIGGERS, Leo (NIKHEF (NL)) <wiggers(a)>
TIMMER, Paul (Nikhef) <pault(a)>
Mr. GEBYEHU, Mesfin (Nikhef) <mgebyehu(a)>
Ms. BOUWHUIS, Mieke (Nikhef) <mieke.bouwhuis(a)>
VAN BEVEREN, Vincent (Nikhef) <v.van.beveren(a)>
Mr. SCHMEL, Jan-willem (Nikhef) <jwschmel(a)>
Mr. KAPPOS, Euthymios (Demokritos) <ekappos(a)>
Dr. BIAGI, Simone (INFN) <biagi(a)>
TRAVAGLINI, Riccardo (Universita e INFN (IT)) <travaglini(a)>
PELLEGRINI, Giuliano (INFN GEnova) <giuliano.pellegrini(a)>
COLONGES, Stéphane (CNRS) <colonges(a)>
CALVO, David (IFIC) <david.calvo(a)>
LAHMANN, R. (-) <robert.lahmann(a)>
BELIAS, Tass (Institute for Astroparticle Physics (GR)) <anastasios.belias(a)>
Abstract presenters:
REAL, Diego
Track classification:
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: This article is presented on behalf of the KM3NeT
The following email has been sent to DE REMIGIS, Paolo:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: DE REMIGIS, Paolo
Submitted on: 28 February 2014 17:12
Title: Test for the mitigation of the Single Event Upset for ASIC in
130 nm technology
Abstract content
The Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) is the innermost sensitive layer of the PANDA
experiment at the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (Fair). The MVD
will be composed of two kind of sensors: hybrid pixels and double sided strips.
The front end electronics of the MVD will be placed at a few centimetres from
the interaction point, where high radiation levels are expected. Therefore the
ASIC have to be designed with radiation tolerant techniques, both in terms of
Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and Single Event Upset (SEU). The TID issue has been
addressed using a sub micron technology as the CMOS 130 nm, which has proven an
intrinsic good tolerance to radiation damage. On the other hand these
technologies are very sensitive to SEU, due to the reduced size of the active
devices. Therefore SEU mitigation techniques have to be applied at circuit
level, in order to prevent data corruption and failure of the control logic.
Various architectures and techniques are proposed in literature, which
essentially show a trade off between protection level and area penalty. Some of
these techniques have been implemented in the prototypes for the readout of MVD
pixel sensors, based on space constraints. The prototypes have been then tested
at the Legnaro INFN facility with ions of various species, in order to asses the
effective capability of SEU mitigation. The obtained results have shown some
limitation in the implementation of these techniques, which will serve as a
guideline for the design of the final ASIC.
The Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) is the innermost sensitive layer of the PANDA
experiment at the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (Fair) in
Darmstadt. The MVD will be composed of two kind of sensors: hybrid pixels and
double sided strips. The front end electronics of the MVD will be placed at a
few centimetres from the interaction point, which is constituted by a fixed
target, where high radiation levels are expected. Therefore the ASIC have to be
designed with radiation tolerant techniques, both in terms of Total Ionizing
Dose (TID) and of Single Event Upset (SEU). The TID issue has been addressed
using a deep sub micron technology as the CMOS 130 nm, which has proven an
intrinsic good tolerance to radiation induced damage. On the other hand these
technologies have increased their sensitivity to SEU, due to the reduced size of
the active devices. Therefore SEU mitigation techniques have to be applied at
circuit level, in order to prevent data corruption in the registers and failure
of the control logic. Various architectures and techniques are proposed in
literature, which essentially show a trade off between protection level and area
penalty. Some of these techniques have been implemented in the circuit
prototypes for the readout of the MVD pixel sensors, based on the space
constraints. The prototypes have been then tested at the Legnaro INFN facility
with ions of various species and energies, in order to asses the effective
capability of SEU mitigation. The obtained results have shown some limitation in
the implementation of these techniques, which will be used as a guideline for
the design of the final ASIC.
Primary Authors:
BALOSSINO, Ilaria (INFN) <balossin(a)>
CALVO, Daniela (INFN) <calvo(a)>
DE REMIGIS, Paolo (INFN) <deremigis(a)>
MATTIAZZO, Serena (Universita) <serena.mattiazzo(a)>
MAZZA, Gianni (INFN) <mazza(a)>
WHEADON, Richard (INFN) <wheadon(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: Poster