The following email has been sent to FILIPENKO, Mykhaylo:
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: FILIPENKO, Mykhaylo
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 17:42
Title: 3D Particle Track Reconstruction in a Single Layer CdTe-Pixel
Abstract content
Many experiments, especially low-background experiments like the search for
neutrinoless double beta decay, and applications, like Compton-imaging, would highly benefit from a room-temperature semiconductor voxel detector technology. A voxel detector is a 2D pixelated device which is able to determine the 3d coordinate (the depth of interaction) in every pixel. Thus, it can be used to reconstruct 3D-particle tracks that can be used for particle identification.
We developed a method to reconstruct the depth of interaction from
properties that in principle could be directly measured with an optimized
semiconductor detector. We applied the method to simulation data and
investigated the reconstruction results under different parameters.
For an experimental proof-of-principle we used a Timepix detector with a 1
mm thick CdTe sensor and 110 µm pixel size. We evaluated data of electrons
with a kinectic energy of 4.4 GeV wherefore they can be treated as minimal
ionizing in our case. Despite the fact that the current Timepix cannot deliver all
the necessary information for the algorithm, we successfully performed the reconstruction for electron track by employing this property (minimal ionization).
The reconstruction method and recent results on the z-position resolution will be presented.
Primary Authors:
Mr. FILIPENKO, Mykhaylo (Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics - ECAP) <mykhaylo.filipenko(a)>
Mr. GLEIXNER, Thomas (ECAP) <thomas.gleixner(a)>
Mr. MICHEL, Thilo (ECAP) <thilo.michel(a)>
ANTON, Gisela (ECAP) <gisela.anton(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Mr. FILIPENKO, Mykhaylo
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to WAGENPFEIL, Michael:
Dear Michael Wagenpfeil,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: WAGENPFEIL, Michael
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 17:03
Title: Development of solid xenon detectors for low-background
Abstract content
In modern astroparticle physics, noble gases are often chosen as detector material for a wide range of different experiments. Noble gases can provide a very long electron drift distance which is required for large-scale low-background experiments such as the search for dark matter or for the neutrinoless double beta decay.
Due to the higher density, xenon is often used in the liquid instead of gaseous state, which allows a larger detection mass at constant volume. However, solid xenon detectors could provide additional advantages over liquid xenon setups.
We present the results of recent experiments on large xenon crystals grown from the liquid phase. We successfully measured the scintillation light from ionizing radiation in the crystal and compared it to Monte Carlo simulations. Also, we studied the drift of electrons over several centimeters. The results suggest a higher drift velocity and a better collection efficiency of secondary electrons than in the case of liquid xenon.
Our work is the basis of the future development of new kind of TPC using solid xenon in combination with the Timepix detector. It would benefit from the excellent electron drift characteristics of xenon. A new detector design involving both solid xenon and the Timepix detector will be presented.
Primary Authors:
Mr. WAGENPFEIL, Michael (ECAP) <michael.wagenpfeil(a)>
Mr. FILIPENKO, Mykhaylo (ECAP) <mykhaylo.filipenko(a)>
Dr. YOO, Jonghee (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) <yoo(a)>
Dr. MICHEL, Thilo (ECAP) <thilo.michel(a)>
Dr. PAHLKA, Benton (Fermi National Accelerator Labratory) <pahlka(a)>
Prof. ANTON, Gisela (ECAP) <gisela.anton(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Experiments: 2d) Dark Matter Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
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Submitted on: 29 January 2014 17:00
Title: Development of a ne¬¬w ultra-fast shower maximum detector
based on micro channel plates (MCP) as an active element.
Abstract content
Future calorimeters and shower maximum detectors at high luminosity accelerators need to be very radiation resistant and very fast. In this report we outline the study of the development of such detectors using microchannel plate (MCP) secondary emitters. The first proposal to use secondary emitters in such a detector can be found in Ref. [1]. Our research is based on the use of MCP secondary emitters as active elements that directly amplify the electromagnetic component in showers. A key point is that the method does not require a complete MCP/phototube with photocathode deposited on a vacuum glass container, but can use the bare MCP’s in an inexpensive and robust housing. As the photocathode fabrication is the dominant driver of the cost of current MCP-PMTs, the use of bare plates without a photocathode results in much cheaper and more robust assembly. One of the main limitations in using this technique has been the high cost of MCPs. Due to recent progress in developing MCP’s consisting of large-area glass-capillary substrates functionalized by Atomic Layer Deposition [2, 3], this approach is becoming feasible.
Test beam measurements of a prototype were performed with 120 GeV primary protons and secondary beams at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility. We present proton and positron beam tests results, obtained with different type of MCP-PMT’s. Beam particles pass through a lead absorber of varying thickness, creating a shower that is detected by the MCP-PMT’s. We report here on the timing characteristics obtained in the beam tests, the dependence of the pulse amplitude on the absorber thickness, and the contribution of the Cherenkov component from the shower interacting with varying thicknesses of quartz placed in front of the MCP-PMT. We have measured a shower maximum time resolution of ~25 psec, using the DRS4 5 GS/s digitizer. [4]
*corresponding author
1. A. Derevshchikov, V. Yu. Khodyrev, V.I. Kryshkin, V.E. Rakhmatov, A. I. Ronzhin, “On possibility to make a new type of calorimeter: radiation resistant and fast”. Preprint IFVE 90-99, Protvino, Russia, 1990.
2. O. H. W. Siegmund, J. B. McPhate, J. V. Vallegra, A. S. Tremsin, H. Frisch, J. Elam, A. Mane, R. Wagner, “Large Area Event Counting Detectors with High Spetial and Temporal Resolution” to be submitted to JINST; Dec, 2013.
3. Incom. Inc; Charlton MA, USA
4. Stefan Ritt, “Development of high speed waveform sampling ASICs”, in proceedings NSNI 2010
Primary Authors:
Dr. RONZHIN, Anatoly (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) <ronzhin(a)>
Dr. LOS, Sergey (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) <los(a)>
Dr. RAMBERG, Erik (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) <ramberg(a)>
KIM, Heejong (University of Chicago) <heejongkim(a)>
Prof. SPIROPULU, Maria (Caltech) <smaria(a)>
Dr. APRESYAN, Artur (Caltech) <artur.apresyan(a)>
Dr. XIE, Si (Caltech) <sixie(a)>
Dr. ZATSERKLYANIY, Andriy (UC Santa Cruz, CA) <zatserkl(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. RONZHIN, Anatoly
Track classification:
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to ABUHOZA, Alhussain:
Dear Alhussain abuhoza,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: ABUHOZA, Alhussain
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 15:13
Title: Construction and commissioning of a setup to study ageing
phenomena in high rate gas detectors
Abstract content
A very accurate apparatus has been constructed and commissioned at the GSI detector laboratory, which will be dedicated for many objectives. Among these objectives; investigation of the ageing phenomena of high rate gaseous detectors, the ageing influences of the construction materials of the gaseous detectors, long term monitoring of gaseous detectors tolerance, planned to be used in The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany. It is very important, in ageing studies, to sense the detector degradation, if any, in reasonable time period and with a particle rate comparable to that in real experiments. In order to reach the envisaged accuracy, several optimizations have been implemented over the design of the used counters, the setup approach and automation and the gas system.
In this article, details of the experimental setup, the systematic optimization tests, studies of ageing and anti-ageing manifestations, and results of the influence of different construction materials will be presented.
Primary Authors:
ABUHOZA, Alhussain (GSI) <a.abuhoza(a)>
Dr. BISWAS, Saikat (GSI) <s.biswas(a)>
FRANKENFELD, Uli (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)) <u.frankenfeld(a)>
Dr. SCHMIDT, Christian Joachim (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)) <>
SCHMIDT, Hans Rudolf (Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen (DE)) <>
HEHNER, Joerg Lothar (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)) <j.hehner(a)>
Abstract presenters:
ABUHOZA, Alhussain
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to LI, Qiuju:
Dear qiuju li,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: LI, Qiuju
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 15:07
Title: Pre-research of Front-end readout electronics system for APD
detectors for synchrotron radiation
Abstract content
Since many types of the silicon avalanche photodiode (Si-APD) detector have been developed for synchrotron X-ray experiments on nuclear resonant scattering, a readout electronics system scheme is introduced which includes front-end electronics for amplification, shaping circuit, analog to digital converter and data processing and so on. The designing of the pre-amplifier is described. The programs of front-end electronics are present which includes two types, one is based on peak value readout, and another is based on waveform readout. The two programs's differents are discussed.
Front-end, readout electronics system, APD detectors, synchrotron radiation
Primary Authors:
LI, Qiuju (I) <liqj(a)>
Dr. LI, Zhenjie (phD) <lizj(a)>
Dr. ZHOU, Yf (phD) <zhouyf(a)>
Dr. ZHANG, Y (ph.D) <yanzhang(a)>
Abstract presenters:
LI, Qiuju
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to AIELLI, Giulio:
Dear Giulio Aielli,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: AIELLI, Giulio
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 15:05
Title: A study for the ATLAS RPC system upgrade in view of the High
Luminosity (HL) LHC
Abstract content
The architecture of the present trigger system in the ATLAS muon barrel was designed according to a reference luminosity of 1034 cm-2 s-1 with a safety factor of 5 with respect to the simulated background rates, confirmed by the 2012 data.
In the HL-LHC conditions, we expect a luminosity of 5x1034 cm-2 s-1 and a rate about an order of magnitude higher than the present one. This, while boosting the demand of trigger performance to increase the fake rejection, the muon momentum selectivity and coverage, affects the robustness against the ageing effects. This scenario leaves the present RPC muon trigger without adequate safety margins and suggests an appropriate upgrade plan, involving both the detector, the trigger and readout electronics.
We present a study for an upgrade of the ATLAS RPC system, under evaluation by the ATLAS collaboration, conceived to maintain full efficiency for the 20 years future operation scheduled. The upgrade consists mainly in installing an additional layer of new generation RPCs in the inner barrel. This will increase the redundancy and the acceptance, now reduced to 70% due to the barrel toroid magnets and services. The present RPC system performances will also benefit of a new readout electronics foreseen to cope with the upgraded ATLAS DAQ.
A non-negligible side benefit of this upgrade scheme is providing ATLAS with good TOF capabilities: a prompt time resolution of few hundreds of ps, 10 m lever arm and four independent measurements will extend the ATLAS potential for new physics discoveries.
Primary Authors:
AIELLI, Giulio (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) <giulio.aielli(a)>
Abstract presenters:
AIELLI, Giulio
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to Dr. SALVATORE, Fabrizio:
Dear Fabrizio Salvatore,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: Dr. SALVATORE, Fabrizio
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 14:06
Title: Associative Memory computing power and its simulation.
Abstract content
The associative memory (AM) system is a computing device made of hundreds of AM ASICs chips designed to perform “pattern matching” at very high speed. Since each AM chip stores a data base of 130000 pre-calculated patterns and large numbers of chips can be easily assembled together, it is possible to produce huge AM banks. Speed and size of the system are crucial for real-time High Energy Physics applications, such as the ATLAS Fast TracKer (FTK) Processor. Using 80 million channels of the ATLAS tracker, FTK finds tracks within 100 micro seconds.
The simulation of such a parallelized system is an extremely complex task if executed in commercial computers based on normal CPUs. The algorithm performance is limited, due to the lack of parallelism, and in addition the memory requirement is very large. In fact the AM chip uses a content addressable memory (CAM) architecture. Any data inquiry is broadcast to all memory elements simultaneously, thus data retrieval time is independent of the database size. The great computing power is also supported by a very powerful I/O. Each incoming hit reaches all the patterns in the AM system within the same clock cycle (10 ns).
We report on the organization of the simulation into multiple jobs to satisfy the memory constraints and on the optimization performed to reduce the processing time. Finally, we introduce the idea of a new computing unit based on a small number of AM chips that could be plugged inside commercial PCs as coprocessors. This unit would both satisfy the need for very large memory and significantly reduce the simulation time due to the use of the highly parallelized AM chips.
Primary Authors:
Dr. SALVATORE, Fabrizio (University of Sussex (GB)) <p.fabrizio.salvatore(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. SALVATORE, Fabrizio
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3c) Embedded software
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: This abstract is submitted on behalf of the ATLAS TDAQ
collaboration and the presenter will be indicated by the ATLAS
speakers committee as soon as we receive information about its
The following email has been sent to GARELLI, Nicoletta:
Dear Nicoletta Garelli,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
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See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: GARELLI, Nicoletta
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 14:02
Title: The ATLAS Tau Trigger for Run2 of the LHC
Abstract content
In the Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider, the strategies for triggering will become more important than ever for physics analyses. The ATLAS tau trigger system combines information from the tracking and calorimetry detectors to identify the signature of tau lepton hadronic decays. Under the demanding, high luminosity environment of Run 2 at the LHC experiment (with instantaneous luminosities as large as 2x10^34 cm^-2s^-1), triggering on hadronic tau leptons requires faster reconstruction algorithms than ever before.
We present two new algorithms currently being deployed: a more precise and faster calorimeter energy cluster reconstruction, and a high-speed
tracking, along with their expected performance for the Run 2 experiment.
Simple triggers requiring single taus suffer from severe rate limitations, despite the sophisticated algorithms used in the tau identification. To address this limitation, higher efficiency triggers implementing topological selections are designed. Using these new developments, tau triggers will provide many opportunities to study new physics beyond the Standard Model, and to get precise measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson decaying to tau-leptons.
Finally, the expected feasibility of tau physics measurements in Run
2 will be presented.
Primary Authors:
GARELLI, Nicoletta (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) <nicoletta.garelli(a)>
Abstract presenters:
GARELLI, Nicoletta
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: This abstract is submitted on behalf of the ATLAS TDAQ
collaboration and the presenter will be indicated by the ATLAS
speakers committee as soon as we receive information about its
The following email has been sent to Dr. SALVATORE, Fabrizio:
Dear Fabrizio Salvatore,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted:
Status of your abstract:
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: Dr. SALVATORE, Fabrizio
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 14:00
Title: The Serial Link Processor for the Fast TracKer (FTK) processor
Abstract content
The Associative Memory (AM) system of the FTK processor has been designed to perform pattern matching using the hit information of the ATLAS silicon tracker. The AM is the heart of the FTK and it finds track candidates at low resolution that are seeds for a full resolution track fitting. To solve the very challenging data traffic problem inside the FTK, multiple designs and tests have been performed. The currently proposed solution is named the “Serial Link Processor” and is based on an extremely powerful network of 2 Gb/s serial links.
This paper reports on the design of the Serial Link Processor consisting of the AM chip, an ASIC designed and optimized to perform pattern matching, and two types of boards, the Local Associative Memory Board (LAMB), a mezzanine where the AM chips are mounted, and the Associative Memory Board (AMB), a 9U VME board which holds and exercises four LAMBs.
We report also on the performance of a first prototype based on the use of a min@sic AM chip, a small but complete version of the final AM chip, built to test the new and fully serialized I/O. Also a dedicated LAMB prototype, named miniLAMB, with reduced functionalities, has been produced to test the mini@sic. The serialization of the AM chip I/O significantly simplified the LAMB design. We report on the tests and performance of the integrated system mini@sic, miniLAMB and AMB.
Primary Authors:
Dr. SALVATORE, Fabrizio (University of Sussex (GB)) <p.fabrizio.salvatore(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. SALVATORE, Fabrizio
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3c) Embedded software
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: This abstract is submitted on behalf of the ATLAS TDAQ
collaboration and the presenter will be indicated by the ATLAS
speakers committee as soon as we receive information about its
The following email has been sent to GARELLI, Nicoletta:
Dear Nicoletta Garelli,
The submission of your abstract has been successfully processed.
Abstract submitted:
Status of your abstract:
See below a detailed summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: GARELLI, Nicoletta
Submitted on: 29 January 2014 13:55
Title: The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS First Level Calorimeter
Abstract content
The level1 calorimeter trigger (L1Calo) of the ATLAS experiment has been operating effectively since the start of LHC data taking, and has played a major role in the discovery of the Higgs boson. To face the new challenges posed by the upcoming increases of the LHC proton beam energy and luminosity, a series of upgrades is planned for L1Calo. An
initial upgrade (Phase0) is scheduled to be ready for the start of the second LHC run in 2015, and a further more substantial upgrade (Phase1) is planned to be installed during the LHC shutdown expected in 2018. The calorimeter trigger aims to identify electrons, photons, taus and hadronic jets. It also determines total and missing transverse energy and can further analyse the event topology using a dedicated system incorporating information from both calorimeter and muon triggers.
This paper presents the Phase1 hardware trigger developments which exploit a tenfold increase in the available calorimeter data granularity when compared to that of the current system. The calorimeter signals will be received via optical fibers and distributed to two distinct processing systems. Those systems implement sliding window algorithms and quasi offline algorithms to achieve object reconstruction and identification. The algorithms are implemented on high density electronics boards which make use of recent
developments in high speed data transmission and FPGA technology. The presentation reviews the physics impact along with the current status of the hardware design and early prototypes and demonstrator boards.
Primary Authors:
GARELLI, Nicoletta (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) <nicoletta.garelli(a)>
Abstract presenters:
GARELLI, Nicoletta
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: This abstract is submitted on behalf of the ATLAS TDAQ
collaboration and the presenter will be indicated by the ATLAS
speakers committee as soon as we receive information about its