To improve the uniformity of the computing resources at the various BiG Grid sites towards the users, all sites will define a set of identical queues (concerning name and properties) on their computing systems.
At grid site NIKHEF-ELPROD, we have created new queues that will replace some of the existing queues. The following queues will be removed from the systems per December 7th, 2009: * "test": replaced by queue "infra"; * "qshort": replaced by queue "short" with a maximum wall time of 4 hours; * "qlong": replaced by queue "medium" with a maximum wall time of 36 hours. Note: the replacing queues can already be used.
How does this affect users of the computing infrastructure? * Users who do not explicitly submit jobs to a specific queue, do not have to take any action; * Users who put a statement in the .jdl file to select a specific queue may have to change the queue name in the .jdl file; * Users who directly submit jobs to a Computing Element and queue via the command glite-wms-job-submit using the option "--resource <CE>:2119/jobmanager-pbs-<QUEUE>" may have to change the name for <QUEUE>.
Best regards, Ronald Starink