Dear all, Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the forum due to a commitment at CERN in ALICE during TS1. Sorry for the late notice.
Cheers, Corrado
-----Original Message----- From: Antti Onnela Sent: 08 June 2015 14:01 To: Patrick Werneke Cc: Detector-mechanics-forum (Organisers of Detector Mechanics Forums) Subject: RE: Forum
Hi Patrick,
I will be available to chair a session.
Cheers, Antti
-----Original Message----- From: Andreas Mussgiller Sent: 08 June 2015 10:26 To: Patrick Werneke Cc: Georg Viehhauser; Paolo Petagna; Detector-mechanics-forum (Organisers of Detector Mechanics Forums) Subject: Re: Forum
Dear Patrick,
I can also chair a session.
Cheers, Andreas
Am 08.06.2015 um 10:21 schrieb Paolo Petagna
No problem for me either to chair a session, if needed. Cheers, p.
-----Original Message----- From: Georg Viehhauser [] Sent: 08 June 2015 10:14 To: Patrick Werneke; Detector-mechanics-forum (Organisers of Detector Mechanics Forums) Subject: RE: Forum
Hi Patrick,
I guess you are asking who will be chairing the sessions? We always decided this on the spot, but we can do this now. We always split into am and pm, so this will give us 6 sessions, but we can do more if needed. I am happy to do a session if needed, but not Monday am, as I am giving a presentation. Who else would want to chair a session?
What were you thinking about for the speakers?
Cheers, Georg
-----Original Message----- From: Patrick Werneke [] Sent: 07 June 2015 19:42 To: Detector-mechanics-forum (Organisers of Detector Mechanics Forums) Subject: Re: Forum
Dear All,
Concerning the Forum two questions:
- Who will chair the meetings?
- I was wondering what I should get for the speakers. Any ideas?
Further 2 persons cancelled there trip, so the number of registrants is exactly 100.
Cheers, Patrick
-- Patrick Werneke Group Leader Mechanical Technology
Nikhef - National Institute for Subatomic Physics Science Park 105 | 1098 XG Amsterdam | Netherlands T: +31 205925057 | M: +31 651275253 |
On 03-Jun-15 14:22, Patrick Werneke wrote:
Hello Antti,
Badges with person's name and institute are being arranged.
Concerning the book of Abstracts making available has not been foreseen yet. My assumption is that most people have a laptop or print it themselves. Anyway, if wanted we can have printouts available.
Cheers, Patrick
On 03/06/2015 7:55, Antti Onnela wrote:
Patrick, have you foreseen to print badges (with person's name + institute)?
How about the Book of Abstracts, should it be printed and made available to the participants? (I have no firm opinion on this.)
Cheers, Antti
-----Original Message----- From: Patrick Werneke [] Sent: 02 June 2015 21:57 To: Detector-mechanics-forum (Organisers of Detector Mechanics Forums) Subject: Forum
Dear all,
The registration is closed with 102 persons registered. Currently we are finalizing the last organizational details.
For the tour on Tuesday people can choose between 4 possibilities: Nikhef, UVA astronomy, AMOLF/ARCNL and SURFsara at the Science Park. I will send a mail later this week with specific information, so people can sign up for a specific tour. The amount of people per tour is limited, so we will ask people for there first and second choice and then assign them to a specific tour.
If you miss specific information, please let me know.
Cheers, Patrick
-- Patrick Werneke Group Leader Mechanical Technology
Nikhef - National Institute for Subatomic Physics Science Park 105 | 1098 XG Amsterdam | Netherlands T: +31 205925057 | M: +31 651275253 E: | I:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Andreas Mussgiller + + + + DESY CMS + + Building 1a/O2.117 + + Notkestrasse 85 + + D-22607 Hamburg + + + + Phone: +49-40-8998-3983 + + Fax: +49-40-8998-3092 + + Cel: +49-179-5978662 + + Mail: + + Web: + + Skype: Negusbuk + + CERN Vidyo Room: 1010691481 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++